Episode 0319

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

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Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

Today we visit with old teammate Will Gibson, introduce several new series, and Dale Jr asks the community a question. Mike contemplates what formula wheel he’s gonna get and we watch a tour of the Sim Coaches Factory!

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..


SimCoaches offers the realistic sim racing equipment you need to win more races online…. It is designed for real racers… Hydraulic construction makes them feel just like the real thing. High-Quality Construction, 100% Leak Proof, and Lifetime Warranty are the key features with these pedals. And, they look absolutely amazing… Check out simcoaches.com and use the coupon code IRACERSLOUNGE to get 5% off your purchase. Simcoaches.com is your ticket to feel like your actually sitting behind the wheel of a car. Drive harder and stay on the limit longer…


Special Guest

Guest Name Will Gibson

General Questions:

  1. What brought you to iRacing and how did you hear about it?
  2. Which series do you normally run?                
  3. What type of hardware do you use? (Wheels, Pedals, ect.)
  4. Software
    1. What gear did you use when you first started iRacing?
  5. Do you run Monitors or VR? 
    1. How many monitors?
    2. What VR headset are you running?
  6. Are you part of a team?  
  7. Do you participate in any leagues or is it just official racing? 
  8. What is your most memorable iRacing moment? 

Guest Specific Questions:



Road to Pro Standings

In a Tweet from Local Average Guy he posted a Google doc of the current results for the Road to Pro Qualifier Series after round 1 Daytona. He shows that Seth DeMerchant currently sits atop the points.


Mercedes AMG F1 W13 Reveal

Steve Myers, Executive VP of iRacing, posted on Twitter a comment on Mercedes AMG Petronas’ F1 page of the newly designed Mercedes AMG F1 W13, saying that, “And no we are not working on it yet…”


iRacing Podiums and Fanfare

Mark Heitchue posted in the forums the following…

Just curious – so, I actually have manged to hang on and podium a few races – AND iracing – where is the podium? Show me the podium buddies!!!

And I just leveled up to C after a bit of a long-haul D-slump – where are the fireworks or fan mail??!!! Come on (!)… – it is a game after all – I want to…. “Celebrate tonight – come on!” I mean dirt Rally 2 has podiums………… : )


New NIS Logo

Nick Simon noticed, and commented in the forums that iRacing has a new Nis Logo and is asking for files to add to his paints.

I see iRacing updated the NiS logo a few hours ago. Has a high res version been posted anywhere? Need it to update the logos on my spreadsheets, stream, and wouldn’t mind putting it on the car. Maybe someone on staff could help out?


Where Do You Rank

Derek M Cyphers posted links he created on public.tableau.com to see how you tank in iRacing with your iRating anf Safety Rating in all 4 categories of licenses

Hi All,

One of iRacing’s strengths is its community and all the data it captures around that community. I was recently inspired by some blog posts correlating Safety Rating with iRating (spoiler: it’s there, but it’s loose) to go grab the data myself and do some personal analysis. In particular, while I know my iRating and SR, I wasn’t sure where that put me in terms of percentile rank against all other road racers.

Since my company specializes in data and analytics like this, I decided to build out a simple interface to answer that question, and I’ve published it using Tableau Public so any other nerds like me can do the same.

Road: https://public.tableau.com/views/iRacingProfilesDashboardDark/RoadDriverProfile?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

Oval: https://public.tableau.com/views/iRacingProfilesDashboardDark/OvalDriverProfile?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

Dirt Road: https://public.tableau.com/views/iRacingProfilesDashboardDark/DirtRoadDriverProfile?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

Dirt Oval: https://public.tableau.com/views/iRacingProfilesDashboardDark/DirtOvalDriverProfile?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link


Not Top 10 – February


Updated Late Model Poll

Dale Earnhardt Jr Posted in the forums a poll asking how the late model should be updated, the options were an updates Late Model Stock, or a New Pro Late model


iRacing Grand Prix Tour

Greg West Posts: 

New for 2022, iRacing will debut the iRacing Grand Prix Tour.

This 23 event full length (305 km) grand prix series will feature the Mercedes-AMG W12 E Performance with both Fixed and Open setup timeslots.

Series Overview:

License: D 4.0 and up

3 minute practice

8 minute lone qualifier

Race length as noted in the schedule

Drops: 4

*This series will require the use of multiple compounds


Nick Neben Posts: 

So has anyone figured out if the Triple is possible, running Long Beach, Indy 500, and Coke 600 in the same day? Haven’t looked to see if the dates align to try and pull it off.


Random Snap Oversteer

Brodie Hannah posted in the forums his thoughts that the Next Gen has always had an issue with snap oversteer. This issues has been exaggerated even more with the new changes This is a phenomenon we’ve heard of from the tests, likely a design “feature” with the car. It does not like yaw at all, and any small amount of yaw will start a spin that may be unrecoverable. We saw Chase Elliott do it twice in less than 30 minutes at Phoenix, both started from very small amounts of yaw.


MOAR Series

Greg West Posted in the forums that if you like solo endurance events like the ROAR, you are going to love this! The MOAR Endurance Series, starting in Season 2, will feature biweekly races with limited time slots with some of our newest content in the Touring Car and GT4. These 2 hour long solo endurance events will follow along the IMSA Pilot Challenge schedule allowing drivers to have an opportunity to practice in race conditions before the endurance events


New Damage Model for Gen 7

Tyler D. Hudson Posted in the forums that the NDM development for the NG continues. It is something we are working on and want to release!


 Porsche TAG Heuer Supercup Race 2 Barcelona

 Kevin Ellis Jr. returned to the top step of the podium with a dominant feature victory, Diogo Pinto held off Alejandro Sanchez and Jeremy Bouteloup for the win in the sprint race and took the points lead after the second week.

Porsche Esports Sprint Challenge Canada


Podcast Housekeeping

Aftermath Podcast – Get it!

New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are now on WIDSOM – https://www.wisdom.audio/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)



What a great turnout for the 3rd annual iRacers Lounge Podcast Fantasy League. I’m pretty stoked for another fun season, I see last year’s champion has returned and is starting out in a strong fashion in a 3 way tie for 3rd place with “A Random Tartingrade”(lol, great name) and our own JediMcFly(Chris Scales). My strategy of being ultra conservative didn’t totally payoff the way I was hoping but with it just being the first race, im not too bothered by it. We have lots to learn over the next few races as we head to California and hopefully get a better look at what we can expect throughout the season. Keselowski was a hot commodity this past week, could that be a trend? I’m not thinking its likely BUT with there being practice this year, we should have a better idea going into each week. I’ve got my eye on Larson this week, might be a good time to test the waters with him just remember there is only 10 uses!! Haven’t joined yet? Head over to Nascar.com and go to the fantasy section and search up iRacers Lounge Podcast League and sign up and see how you stack up.


Complex Simworks


Precision Engineering LM-X


Nvidia Reflex in iRacing


What we mean when we say CPU-limited is that the CPU is taking more time on a frame than the GPU is, so the GPU finishes a frame and sits idle until the next one is sent from the CPU. In this case Reflex does nothing.

When you are GPU-limited the opposite is true, the CPU is producing frames quicker than the GPU can consume them. This means the GPU has to manage a backlog of frames every time it goes to grab one, and this leads to various weird problems. 

In this GPU-limited case Reflex will act as a messenger from the GPU to the CPU, telling it when the GPU is ready for a new frame. This means the CPU does less work to produce frames that will never be used, and the GPU has to sort through fewer stale frames that are actually a few ticks old. Reducing the number of frames left sitting in the queue is the focus of Reflex. Because this entire loop is how you get feedback on your own inputs (like steering) it means you can see the effects of your inputs a tiny bit quicker. 


Best Bass Shaker Settings


Sim Coaches Factory Tour


Ascher Racing F65-USB V3


Intel Arc GPU is Coming Soon


Sim Solutions Design


GPU Price Drop



After dropping the big news about GPU prices, Greymon55 went on to talk about the upcoming generation of graphics cards: Nvidia 40-series “Ada Lovelace” and AMD RDNA3. Both lineups are set to release later this year


Company Review






NASCAR iRacing Series

Fri open: Daytona

  • Ellis –   pDNF – Led a bunch of laps at one point had a break away of about 12 seconds, on a green flag stop i somehow only took 2 tires and 1 tank of fuel – i had actually used the mouse to check prior to getting on pit road, i have no idea how this happened… From there it went downhill from there never caught a caution had to pit on my own, got caught up in a wreck.
  • Rochette the Chubby Birb is the LONE Tifosi 2022 DAYTONA 500 CHAMPION…. Started in the back had several misses with wrecks. Was a lap down at 1 point from trying to push someone that didnt know how to hold a line. Got wave around on a caution and got a caution with 4 laps left in tank put me up front. Had a great battle with 2nd last 20 laps dodging lappers. But car was definitely faster. Thank Mike for hopping in last 30 laps and Brandon Yuhouse for a great looking car. First official win in the Next Gen and first win since July of 2020… IM A DAYTONA 500 AND INDY 500 CHAMPION 
  • Brian P2 – Kissing your sister.  Qualified around p10, and worked to the front to stay out of trouble.  Was a part of a couple of break-aways but kept regrouping after cautions. Wound up in a 3 car break for the last 20 laps.  On the last turn  the car on my high side used a lapper as a pick.  I tried to squeeze thru but we made contact.  Finished in 2nd with damage. 
  • Greg – Should have won
  • Sunday Open
    • Rochette- Pcaught in wreck rip
    • Hall – p 6.  Front Runner, has some bad luck with caution timing that cost me track position and this split didn’t have many guy’s that were good at pushing.
  • Sunday fixed 
    • Mike -pDNF – Wrecked out lap 16 the pack is lapping a lap car he is well off the wall and sure enough gets tagged and wrecks the field.

Race : Auto Club

  • Wed Open:
    • Hall –p20   Destroyed on lap 25, car a few places up gets turned right into to a corner.  Praying that he wouldn’t slide back up, but he did.
    • Tyler – P2 got a 4x on lap 2 as a guy locked up brakes avoiding a wreck. Battled back from going a lap down twice and a black flag for entering closed pits. Noob mistake. Late race caution for the GWC with an amazing setup helped me get the podium. Great help from the team before and during the race and felt really fast. 
    • Rochette P8 well this was fun. 15 cautions tagged in a few stayed on lead lap all night. Was doored and walled 8 to go and wrecked at checkered. 
  • Thurs Open  
    • Ellis – wrecked out
    • Steve – win
    • David – p17.  Ran top 5 as High as 2nd in top split.  Cautions every 2 laps for the last 20, coming to white flag I got just loose and had to collect it and lost all my spots

Official Series

  • A Open
    • Kyle- P 1. Started P13 and just kept it clean. Made a last lap pass out of turn 2 and got pushed to the lead and walked away with the W!
  • RTP 
    • Ellis – DNF – Daytona – Wrecked out running 10th on lap 12 – couldnt miss it

League / Hosted Races

  • Saturday – SIM 500 eSports Racing League 87 Car 
    • Greg-p Should have won
  • OBRL Aftermath Truck Series 
  • OBRL CUP Series  
    • Brian P wrecked out.  Made it clean to a green-white-checker but got caught when cars in front of me crashed going 3 wide.
  • Git R Done Racing 
  1. Brian P3  Ran at the front except for a eol speeding penalty mid way thru.  Tough battle with 6 cars at the end, but got p3 after some last straight shenanigans

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. Adam Lovelace


Today we visit with old teammate Will Gibson, introduce several new series, and Dale Jr asks the community a question. Mike contemplates what formula wheel he’s gonna get and we watch a tour of the Sim Coaches Factory! So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast. 

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Chris Scales – twitter.com/JediMcfly

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 


Old Show Notes – bit.ly/2CFeArM

Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (New Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/