3/10/2022 – Atlantadega – Episode 0321
iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics
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Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`
- Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
- Joining me are the usual characters, ————
Show Introduction
Well, it’s Season 2 build week again in iRacing! That means new content, new content updates and new software updates and we’ll cover it all. We’ll also cover what omissions we were hoping for, but didn’t make the cut. We’ll also explore the horrors of sim racing addiction.
And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..
Are you struggling with maximizing your braking zones when you’re on iRacing? Locking up when you’re trying to push it to the limit?
I was in your shoes not too long ago. I’d see my competition braking deeper then me but no matter what i’d try, I couldn’t match them.
Until I started using Sim Coaches P1 Pro Pedals.
With their true hydraulic design, they feel just like you’re driving a car.
They’re made right here in the USA and even offer a lifetime warranty!
For a limited time, Sim Coaches is offering you guys 10% off your order! You won’t find a better discount anywhere…
Head over to Simcoaches.com and use code IRACERSLOUNGE at checkout to get a 10% discount.
Prebuild Hype
The pre build hype for the 2022 Season 2 started on Twitter when Dale Jr tweeted out a picture of the iRacing sponsored ’87 Buick LeSabre.
This Beast Looks Mean
iRacing Tweeted out a pre-release picture of the Aston martin Vantage GT4
What’s in the Garage
iRacing also Tweeted some teaser pictures of an undescribed formula car for your interpretation.
Winton Motor Raceway
Winton Motor Raceway was a known addition, but iRacing posted some sneak peak pictures in a Tweet before the release.
2022 Season 2 Release Notes
Finally, the new build was released

Federated Auto Parts Raceway at i-55
The official iRacing YouTube video release of Federated Auto Parts Raceway at I-55
Hyundai Veloster N TC
The official iRacing YouTube video release of the Hyundai Veloster N TC
Stock Car Brasil
The official iRacing YouTube video release of the Toyota Carlooa and Chevy Cruze in the Stock Car Brasil
Aston Martin Vantage GT4
The official iRacing YouTube video release of the Aston Martin Vantage GT4
GT3 Updates
The official iRacing YouTube video release of the new aero updates to the GT3 cars
Formula iR-04
The official iRacing YouTube video release of the Formula iR-04
No New Atlanta Track in Build
Kyle Zimmer, as with many of us, posted in the forums his surprise that the new Atlanta update was not included in the season 2 build saying,”I know iRacing worked with NASCAR with Atlanta track. I am generally surprised that Atlanta update isn’t included to the build since NASCAR will be racing there in 2 weeks. I am just curious if “New” Atlanta will be release during season 2 in patch or will be in later dates?”

Sim Racing is an Addiction
In a series of YouTube Videos, some of Sim Racing’s top streamers like Dave Cam, Mat Malone and Race Beyond Matter posted vidoes of the horrors of iRacing addiction. Unfortunately, in this sometimes humorless world, some took the satires the wrong way and content creators like Ermin HamSandwich had to remove their posts because of some misdirected backlash.

Should the Trucks be a Pro Qualifying Car?
Bryan Blackford posted a Tweet and directly copied Steve Myers that he thinks that the truck is not challenging enough to be a Pro Qualifying vehicle and doesn’t show off the talent in the division. He’s willing to die on that hill.
In a Related Tweet, Boyd Hoggan said that RTP should at least be one of the current cars and thinks the top 3 series cars need more off-throttle time to make better racing.
iRacing and Lounging
Our own David Hall was a special guest on the Into the Apex podcast
Skip Barber Formula iRacing Series
Returning for the 2022 season, The Skip Barber Racing School will be hosting the Skip Barber Formula iRacing Series, where drivers will compete over six weeks of action for the ultimate prize in motorsports: a fully funded seat in the real-world Skip Barber Formula Race Series.

What’s in the Mirror
Jed Danyliw asked in the iRacing forums, “Why doesn’t the new cup car have the rear view mirror and the rear camera on the dash?” Staffer Brian Simpson replied that the drivers are allowed to run both the rear view camera, and the actual mirror. In real life, some drivers don’t use the camera because they just don’t trust it since they don’t know if what they are seeing is what is actually there.
In iRacing, we don’t have that issue, the rear view camera is just another mirror portal. Those mirror portals are very expensive performance wise, and having 2 mirrors, both of which have essentially the same view seemed to be a massive performance hit without much actual benefit. So I opted to just have the rear view camera. Since we don’t have the rear view mirror, placing the camera there made sense.

New Sponsorship
JRM announed on Instagram that iRacing will return as a sponsor to the JRMotorsports Late Model Team with driver Carson Kvapil in 2022.
Porsche Supercup Round 3 – Interlagos
American racer Zac Campbell became the third different feature winner in three events to kick off the 2022 Porsche TAG Heuer Esports Supercup season on Saturday, holding off former teammate and last week’s winner Kevin Ellis Jr. in a charge to the finish at Interlagos.

“IMOLA GT” collection dedicated to SIM racing
Ninjersey is offering a customizable Imola GT hoodie for sale on their website.
Podcast Housekeeping
Aftermath Podcast – Get it!
New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/
We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)
Fantasy-Las Vegas

How To Adjust P1 Pro Pedals
Sim Coaches posted a video on their YouTube page showing you how to adjust your P1 Pro Pedals
Company Review
ITR – Italian Team Racing offers several formula style wheels as well as LCD displays and more.

MME Motorsport Sequential Shifter Review
The Sim Racing Garage reviewed the MME Motorsports sequential shifter.
Which FANATEC Formula Wheel is Best for You?
Will Ford at Boosted media has a video asking and answering Which Fanatec Formula Wheel is best for you.
Acelith F1 Rim
Acelith Designs has a plethora of steering wheel mods for Logitech, Thrustmaster and Fanatec

irSidekick AiEdit
Martin Lanza posted that he’s built a program to assist editing Ai Rosters. At present the first version of the program is very limited, it can’t create new rosters or add/delete drivers (will add these features later). Currently, the main reason to use this program is to easily apply paint/livery and also have defined driver attribute presets that can be easily applied to drivers. Both are applied to roster drivers via drag & drop which visual, quick and simple.

Nvidia hackers
Hacker group Lapsus$ has leaked the credentials of more than 71,000 Nvidia employees after the company did not acquiesce to its demands. The group stole the corporate data during a recent ransomware attack and threatened to release it if Nvidia didn’t remove its cryptocurrency mining limiter (LHR) from its RTX 30-series video cards. Nvidia refused to do so, and the group has since issued another demand and claims it will release even more data if Nvidia doesn’t comply.

Gran Turismo DD Pro Base [Brian]
When the Fanatec Gran Turismo DD Pro was originally revealed back in November 2021, it was part of a bundle that included a GT-themed wheel and a set of CSL Pedals, but now the wheel base is available separately. Entitled the ‘Gran Turismo DD Pro Wheel Base’, this allows those who may already own Fanatec pedals or a sim racing wheel rim to purchase the standalone base.
You can now buy the Fanatec Gran Turismo DD Pro purely as a wheel base
ByThomas Harrison-LordPosted on March 7, 2022
The Fanatec Gran Turismo DD Pro Wheel Base is available now for €599.95/$599.95 and includes the Boost Kit 180.

NASCAR iRacing Series
Fri open:Vegas
- Ellis – pP4 – after getting wrecked out early with three minutes damage got a top-five Holla!!!
- Rochette- P1 the Chubby Birb flew into the strip, walked into the Mandalay Bay watched the Michael Jackson tribute show then went to the Roulette table put everything on the number 1 because thats was the number of the day. Got the pole led 45 laps and was about to have a dominant day but a late restart almost end that but car was fast as hell so no issues even grazing the wall with 3 to go https://www.facebook.com/TifosiRacing/posts/1816943478496549
- Brian P- 2 laps and 10 minutes of damage. Nuff said
- Hall – P. torped
- Greg – p3
- Groves – P something under 20 – Low split hell but got to race in the same split with Lisa in her first NIS start. We were both many laps down from getting caught up in the 1700 wrecks but we both stuck around until the end many laps down
- Adam -p7 top split
Hall – p torpedoed again with 5 laps to go fighting for top 5 in top split
- Sunday fixed
- Mike –pwrecked out – missed the first caution to only get wreck under caution by a guy who shifted into the wrong gear and spun out into me 90 seconds damage – got that fixed and just shy of half way got caught up in a big one blown engine – several folks arca braked into me way after i had stopped too.
Tyler – P https://twitter.com/tylerfatboy1990/status/1500692324866826242?s=11
Race :Phoenix
- Wed Open:
- Hall –p 15 dumped, but got some of it back. Guy apologized, but haven’t really had a clean race since Daytona.
- Ellis – p11 – Started P 19 quickly worked my way to the top five ended up leading some laps. Pit it with like 35 to go and stayed out while others pitted was leading on the final restart but the new tires got me at the end I went to block down the back stretch on the white he was already there I got hooked.
- Stephen –wrecked
- Tom D – P loaded the fix set.
- Thurs Open
Ellis – Wrecked out running fifth. Same guy don’t be that dumped me earlier in the ray so I had a minute and a half damage he finally took me out 11 minutes damage he took out the other fastest car in the race as well it wasn’t pretty.
Official Series
Hall – P1 Sebring
League / Hosted Races
- FastTrack League – Las Vegas
- David – p
- Greg p – p9
- Saturday – SIM 500 eSports Racing League 87 Car
- Mike -p DNF – Parked it from boredom at Pocono w only 9 cars.
- Greg-p2
- OBRL ARCA Series
- Brian Talladega P18 started in the pits because of a system crash going a lap down. Finally got lap back with 8 to go and got up to 18
- OBRL Aftermath Truck Series – Phoenix
- 1. Thomas Ogle
- 2. Brian Glass
- 3. Eddie Jones
- OBRL CUP Series
- Brian P3 Late caution with slight damage worked in my favor with new tires
Final Thoughts
Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .”
- Atlantadega
Well, it’s Season 2 build week again in iRacing! That means new content, new content updates and new software updates and we’ll cover it all. We’ll also cover what omissions we were hoping for, but didn’t make the cut. We’ll also explore the horros of sim racing addiction. So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast.
iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players.
Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis
David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage
Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus
Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin
Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming
Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves
Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83
Chris Scales – twitter.com/JediMcfly
Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette
Tom Dreiling –
Old Show Notes – bit.ly/2CFeArM
Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/
Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge
Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/
Web (New Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/