iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics
12/17/2020 – The Money Shot – Episode 0259
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Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`
- Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
- Joining me are the usual characters, ————
Grid Finder, your go to source for finding your next sim racing “CASH” league. A new premium feature within to promote your cash league/race to over 1000 racers that visit every week. A low cost of £4.99/month will allow you to feature up to 3 divisions in Grid Finders newest section, That’s only £1.25/week to make sure you have a full grid for your next cash league or race. Special iRacers Lounge offer – sign up now and get a free week!, this is only good for the rest of December so get your cash league signed up now.
Grid Finder – “The home of online sim racing leagues”
Season 4 Stats
Rob Crouch posted in the forums another comprehensive list of the 2020 Season 4 stats. Also, for a small $5 donation, you can private message Rob and he will create a custom output for you and your friends.
NIS Open- Open stats [Hall]
NIS -Fixed stats [Brian]
Paved Oval Series Stats [Tony]
Road Stats [Mike]
– Sponsored by School Yard Setups
Struggling to crawl into the top ten in Road To Pro, always in the back of the Xfinity Series or can’t find that extra tenth to compete for wins in the Nascar iRacing Series? Visit to get race ready setups for the Nascar A, B, and C Series each week. Enter referral code: Lounge, when you sign up to let them know you heard about them from the iRacers Lounge Podcast. Don’t get bullied around on the race track again. Get your sets today
Updated iRacing Apparel [Brian]
Staff member Otto Szebeni let everyone in the forums know that the merchandise page has been updated with new products.
And another place to get a sim shirt – [Greg]
Teespring has also updated their sim merchandise with some new designs.
What do you think of “Coke Speedway”? [Mike]
With the delayed release of the new iRacing (Coke) Superspeedway, iRacing has posted videos of Cup cars pushing 250 MPH!
iRacing Cola [Tony]
Lefty Designs had some fun with the release of the new Superspeedway with a spoof can of iRacing Cola!
Truck Bug [Brian]
Jordan Werth @Bottomsplit posted a picture of the Pro truck on the track showing that there may be some bugs to fix just yet.
Cup Car McTwist [Hall]
The super high speeds and tight racing has already produced some fantastic wrecks. None to be outdone in a video posted and edited with sound of Jonathan Goke with a near perfectly executed barrel roll.
What do you think of IR-01 [Brian]
Kurtin Garage showed off what the iR-01 can do in a video posted of it blistering around Bristol in under 10 seconds.
iR-01 Tweeks [Mike]
Joel Keller was the engineer who worked on the new Dallara iR01. He’s responded to some of the community feedback and made changes to the handling, steering speed and force feedback as a result and will keep making adjustments as more feedback comes in.
What Do You Think of Long Beach [Hall]
Some very high praise indeed from IRL driver Ryan Hunter-Reay who tested on the new Long Beach track and was very impressed.
What Do You Think of Cedar Lake, That’s Ruts! [Brian]
Some of the drivers noticed that while running the Big Block Modified at the new Cedar Lake Speedway that ruts are being created in the corners making the racing even more enjoyable. Tyler Hudson responded that apparent the weather and the construction of the Big Block Modified tires is playing a major role in their creation.
Cedar Lake Wall Bug [Tony]
According to members in the forums Cedar Lake Speedway has a small 1-1/2 foot gap in the wall at the flagstand that is causing a bug where the cars (sprint cars especially) are being unrealistically launched sideways when it’s hit. Staffer Michael Bergh is now aware of the issue and it will be addressed in an upcoming patch
The Pit Box Nascar edition [Greg]
Member Alejandro Recio with some editing help from Alex Horn posted a video of how to turn a wreck into a most proficient pitstop
2021 Season 1 Patch 1 Release Notes [Hall]
World Cup XI – It’s Back [Brian]
Mike Ouelette announced in the forums that after a two year break the World Cup XI will be returning. The World Cup of iRacing is a club competition to find out which club has the most depth of talent across a wide variety of racing diciplines.
Listener Email [Mike]
Hey Guys,
Love the show and so happy to hear that you guys have a sponsor and a website now. Already been on the site and saved a quick link. I joined iRacing in April and absolutely love it. Your show has really helped keep me on track with good and bad equipment and things to stay focused on. So Many tips you guys have shared and the feedback is amazing. I was able to even race with you guys during a charity race at Daytona for iK9Hero.
The input you guys give on all the topics is great and really gives myself and others top quality information. However I am beyond curious as to what you guys are using equipment wise. What rigs y’all got! We would love to see some shots of your rigs with a breakdown of what you have. Also what do you plan on adding?
Also, it would be so cool to have a official iRacers lounge livery on Tradin Paints that listers could use to help promote and spread the word.
Currently I’m saving for a DD but until that happens I’m on a 80/20 rig by 4playracing using a Specter UltraWide with the GOAT G27 wheel and shifter. Using a i7 HP Omen with a 2070 RTX Nivida.
Again I love the show and can’t thank y’all enough for all the tips and info that is shared. Hope to see y’all on the track soon.
iRacing: Tyler Williamson2
Twitter: @TylerFatBoy1990
FaceBook: Tyler Williamson
Twitch: Fatboy1990
Psn: FatBoy1990
Booth Time [Greg]
Greg, Chris, and Tony were in the broadcast booth calling the Ladies of iRacing ‘Ugly Sweeter Party’ Street Stocks race at Michigan with the call of a thrilling finish!
Paint Changes Coming [Hall]
Greg West posted that the guys at iRacing aren’t satisfied with their current painter. In fact, they have been working for several weeks to make it much better than it is now. Although the work is far along, it wasn’t quite ready for the build, but we do plan to release it before next season. It will have the new 3D car viewer built in, so you won’t have to jump back and forth between the paintkit and the car info page to see your changes in 3D.
8k Video of iRacing [Tony]
Sebastian Keijmel posted a video in the forums a video of the Lamborghini Huacan GT3 at Long Beach in true 8K resolution.
ESport Driver of The Year [Greg]
Autosport announced on Twitter a new category in their Autosports Awards in 2020; ‘eSports Driver of the Year’. And their winner for the inaugural reward goes to Sebastian Job winner of the Porsche Tag Hauer iRacing Supercup Championship.
Trophy Time for Tucker [Mike]
Tucker Minter, winner of the Corvette Championship Series posted on Twitter a photo of his prize.
2020 iRacing Chili Bowl Nationals [Brian]
The iRacing Chili Bowl Nationals are underway. Each night this week at 9:00 EST is a race session culminating with a Saturday ‘Super Session’ with the top 60 drivers in points vying for the championship.
How to Save Tires [Hall]
David Schildhouse posted on his YouTube channel a video showing 3 tips as to how to save tires with the new tire model in Fixed setup races.
iRacing Give-Aways
Turn Racing [Mike]
You can win a R20 EVO wheel. Just place the Turn Racing logo (found in iRacing Paintshop) on any car in the primary location. Race in at least 10 official races in 2021 Season 1 and you’re automatically entered to win an R20 Evo steering wheel.
Sim-Lab P1-X [Tony]
If you just race in the Sim-Lab Production Car Challenge this season, each completed race is an entry into the raffle to win a Sim-Lab P1-X sim racing chassis.
Heusinkveld [Greg]
Heusinkveld is giving away a set of Heusinkveld Sprint Pedals during Season 1, 2021! Just race in the Heusinkveld GT Challenge. Each completed race is an entry into the raffle for the pedals.
Apex Racing Academy [Brian]
If you place the Apex Racing Academy logo (found in iRacing Paintshop) on any car in the primary location and race in at least 10 official races in 2021 Season 1 you’re automatically entered to win 1 of the 5 Apex Racing Academy prizes!
NOT Top 10 Highlights [Hall]
iRacing posts the December Not Top 10 Highlights
Burton Leaving BKE [Tony]
In an Instagram post Parker Klingerman announced that he will assume full ownership of Burton Klingerman eSports and Jeff Burton will step aside to give Parker full control of the team noting his ‘ real passion and enthusiasm for the team’
Season 1 Patch 2 Release Notes [Mike]
Forum Advertising & Soliciting [Greg]
Tyler Hudson posted a reminder on the forums that businesses and individuals are prohibited from using the iRacing forums to solicit members for business or personal gain without becoming an iRacing official partner or advertising.
2021 Special Events [Brian]
iRacing announced it’s 2021 schedule of special events Not included on the list, they will be bringing back the Watkins Glen 6 Hours, Knoxville, and Winter Derby while also adding, new for 2021, events at Crandon, Suzuka, and Hockenheim.
24 Hours of Daytona [Hall]
Greg West of iRacing has posted the details of the upcoming iRacing 24 Hours of Daytona.
$7500 Bump and Run [Mike]
Evan Posocco reported on Twitter the results of the eRacing Association Winterbowl iRacing Tournament at Nashville Fairgrounds where Parker Retzlaff put the bumper to Daniel Silvestri to take the win and the $7500 prize.
Podcast Housekeeping
New Website – Leave Comments
We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)
Advanced Sim Racing ASR6 Review [Greg]
Barry Rowland Reviews the Advanced Sim Racing ASR6
Pro-Sim Holy Grail Shifter [Brian]
Pro-Sim’s sequential shifter pre orders coming next week for deliveries to start mid January. We also have our H pattern on pre order again for deliveries in mid February. Everyone on our waitlist will get an email when the pre order opens.
Pro-Sim Evolution Simulator [Hall]
Official Series (Please Copy and Paste Template for format if using last spot)
- ARCA – Ellis – Ran 1 race at atlanta to see if I could gain some iRating – Huge mistake, I kept pushing in 2 and having to lift, and quickly was headed backwards. I later accidentally doored a guy, I didnt mean to… Near the end a lapper took out the leaders so I was able to finish 5th… That was lucky, probably wont try that again
- Leagues/Hosted Races
- Unofficial – Mike –
- Coke Raceway – ran about 6 races in a row – wrecked out of each- in one i was leading while wrecked. Love love love it, this is pretty much a new style of racing – getting runs and keeping them it is so wide that you can – 60 cars is a blast, there was always cars coming and going – wrecks self clear off the blanking –
- Next day – several close almost wins, lead most laps etc – 28th to 1st in 5 laps – tik tok
- By Sunday Night – I finally win! –
- Coke Raceway – ran about 6 races in a row – wrecked out of each- in one i was leading while wrecked. Love love love it, this is pretty much a new style of racing – getting runs and keeping them it is so wide that you can – 60 cars is a blast, there was always cars coming and going – wrecks self clear off the blanking –
- Winter League- -.
- Mike – p dnf – was wrecked on 1st caution – was going straight down back stretch 12inches off the wall, and a guy is like trying to side draft me or something and hooks me – car damage made it too loose to drive- don’t appreciate a simple apology from that driver
- David – p12. Ends top 10 streak, but still good finish in tough field
- OBRL ARCA Series
- Brian- P18 started outside pole Had the Speed, but not the Luck
- OBRL Truck Series Nashville Brian P13 first time at Nashville. Fun track but got caught up in other people’s messes
- UCORA Spotlights Snowball Series – lime rock radicals
- Hall –.was slowest car pitched in early to take car of a real life thing
- Ellis – Joined Scott Rupp from Midwest simulations in the booth on the podcast and had some fun calling the race
Final Thoughts
Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .”
- The Money Shot
Season 1 kicks off in a big way this week on the show, but first we review week 13, and all of the new content added to the service. After a short delay, we have the biggest, baddest superspeedway you’ve ever seen, and the carnage it can create. iRacing works out those oh, so pesky bugs after such a large release and we cover it all on this weeks episode of the iRacors Lounge Podcast.
iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players.
Sponsors: Promo Code – Lounge
Mike Ellis –
Tony Groves –
Chris Scales –
David Hall –
Greg Hecktus – –
Tony Rochette –
Adam Josselyn-
Nick Williams –
Brian Maccubbin –
Tom Dreiling –
Old Show Notes –
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Web (New Show Notes) –