Episode 0372

iRacers Lounge

3/2/2023 – Coke Rage – Episode 0372

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

Brought to you by:

Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

On the Show this week, we’ll recap an action packed Coke series race at the Milwaukee Mile. The iRacing Formula Skip Barber Series is heading down to the wire with a full ride in the real Skip Barber Series on the line. We are getting more peaks as to what Season 2 will offer, and we’ll look at what is the fastest single lap in the history of iRacing.

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..


Coke Race – Milwaukee

  • Jimmy Mullis reveals he is covid positive but ready to race tonight.
  • Ryan Luza tells us about his experience at the Snowball Derby
  • Colin Bowden said – No Milwaukee pic, we spent the week on a bender at Mardi Gras, not worried about practice because our fits were 💯 momma raised a G so we’ll be fine
  • iRacing got a title sponsor DBox – Adam has got a great intro video right before Evan’s intro…
  • One driver did not show up: Femi Olatunbosun
  • Incredible save by @BigDogBowden after contact with Luza here. 
  • Through 16 laps, @NickOttinger continues to lead from the pole.
  • Another amazing save in this race! @CoseyJr got a *boop* from Kevin King and took a tour through the grass.
  • LAP 24: @JoeyBrown is currently the biggest mover, up 10 spots from 28th to 18th.
  • LAP 40: @JoeyBrown is still the biggest mover, up 13 spots from 28th to 15th.
  • Lap 44 – Caution Colin Bowden wrecks from the back -Another case of “you pinch, you pay” where Collin Bowden has found out across the nose of Michael Cosey Jr. –  they all pit – Honeycutt missed his box
  • RESTART LAP 47: @NickOttinger and @CodyByus lead the field into Turn 1.
  • A quick caution #2! Timmy Holmes gets sent off the nose of Tyler Garey! HARD CONTACT!
  • And another quick caution – Manes dive bombs bourdeau which brings out the caution – cars slow but derek goes after manes but hits vicente salas and spins him out under caution… then eventually goes onto hit manes after passing several cars under caution… No apparent penalty.
  • RESTART 45 to go: @NickOttinger and @JordyLopezJr lead the field into Turn 1.
  • CAUTION! @jmullisracing slides. 44 to go.
  • RESTART 39 to go: @NickOttinger and @JordyLopezJr lead the field into Turn 1.
  • NEW LEADER! @MalikRay Edges Nick Ottinger Right before  CAUTION! @jmullisracing spins contact w Joey Brown and others infront of him
  •  OK we must be watching Fox because we cant get a replay of the only lead change of the race….
  • RESTART 33 to go: @MalikRayTTV and @NickOttinger lead the field into Turn 1.
  • CAUTION! 30 to go. @DonovanStrauss is involved. Got hip checked down to the inside by cosey jr
  • RESTART 26 to go: @MalikRayTTV and @NickOttinger lead the field into Turn 1.
  • CAUTION! 25 to go. That’s the big one! Duvall went 3 wide kirwin and jordy lopez get together then manes plows through and then its a parking lot…
  • Per the booth, @iRacing officials are opting to change to single-file restarts. 👀
  • Malik misses a shift and Conti Takes the Lead on the restart! 19 to go
  • Discussion about how guys who took tires lost lots more track position due to the sudden change by race control… is it fair
  • With 16 to go, @NickOttinger returns the earlier favor from Malik to take back P2. He’s now looking to chase down Conti. Conti has more than a second lead!
  • CAUTION! 10 to go. @vicente_salas14 spins.
  • RESTART 5 to go: @MikeConti5 leads the field into Turn 1.
  • 3 to go ottinger is right with Conti… 2 to go manes gets to third – 
  • CHECKERED FLAG! @MikeConti5 wins at The Milwaukee Mile!

More Build Teasers

iRacing has been giving up more teasers for new content in the upcoming Season 2


Is iRacing still worth it in 2023?

Our iRacing expert Emily Jones is playing the game for many many years now and she still get’s the same question: Is iRacing still worth it, even in 2023? So she made up this video for you, so there will be no open questions about the status of the game in 2023. Do you think iRacing is still worth it in 2023 or not?


Season 2 Road Series Updates

Greg West posted in the forums that in the release of season 2, iRacing has some exciting new content entering the ecosystem as well as some changes to existing series. 

Ray FF1600:

This car will be part of our FREE base package and will debut in both a Rookie and class D road series.

The Formula 1600 Rookie Series – Fixed will share a schedule with the Formula Vee Series while being 30 minutes offset. This will allow for new members to only have to learn one track per week while being able to easily understand the differences between the two cars’ handling characteristics. The timing of these series will allow for drivers to be able to race in both series back to back if they so desire. To accomplish this, the Formula 1600 Rookie Series – Fixed will start on the :15 every hour while the Formula Vee Series moves to the :45 every hour. 

Joining the ranks of our class D road series is the all new Formula 1600 Trophy. This open setup series will also run hourly on the :45 featuring 20 minute races.  

Renault Clio Cup:

Joining our tin tops at class D will be the all new iRacing Clio Cup – Fixed. This single make series will have 15 minute races starting on the hour every hour. 

The Renault Clio Cup will also debut in the Production Car Challenge replacing the VW Jetta. This will give the car both fixed and open setup series to participate in. 

Dallara Formula iR:

This series is undergoing a series structure revamp for Season 2 with the switch to 20 minute races using fixed setups. This change is in concert with a tire and aero update that addresses many of the complaints about how the car handled. Give it a whirl!

Supercars – Fixed:

This series is switching back to open setups while keeping the shorter race distances.


Wheldon, Romanidis Split Skip Barber Formula iRacing Series Wins at VIR

Sebastian Wheldon and Micheal Romanidis took feature wins in the Skip Barber Formula iRacing Series  at VIR.  The series finale will wrap up at Road America with points leader Diogo Pinto looking to hold off Harley Haughton, who trails by just one point.


We are talking about adding a UTV to the service

Steve Myers posted some tweets about iRacing looking into adding UTV’s to the service to bolster their dirt road content.


Next Gen Top Split AI Settings

I’ve been testing out the AI in the Next Gen with specific settings. After a few races at certain tracks I’ve gotten the settings down to where it’s top spilt competitive and very fun. The settings for each track are below. Please keep in mind to add the correct day and time as well. I start in the back and each race is around 30 minutes with no green flag pit stops and no yellows. I also use the fixed set as well for each track.

Here’s the car set I use (adjust ratings as accordingly as I know it may be a little biased haha): Collections – Trading Paints

Daytona 2/19 2:30PM 35 Laps Skill-120-125%

Auto Club 2/26 3:30PM 40 Laps Skill-63-68%

Las Vegas 3/5 3:30PM 55 Laps Skill-68-73%

Phoenix 3/12 3:30PM 65 Laps Skill-82-87%

COTA 3/26 3:30PM 15 Laps Skill-85-90%

Richmond 4/2 3:30PM 80 Laps Skill-80-85%

Bristol (asphalt) 4/9 7:00PM 100 Laps Skill-55-60%

Martinsville 4/16 3:00PM 90 Laps Skill-98-103%

Talladega 4/23 3:00PM 35 Laps Skill-120-125%

Dover 4/30 2:00PM 70 Laps Skill-101-106%

Kansas 5/7 3:00PM 55 Laps Skill-103-108%

Charlotte 5/28 6:30PM 55 Laps Skill-63-68%

Michigan 8/6 2:30PM 40 Laps Skill-103-108%

Texas 9/24 3:30PM 55 Laps Skill-94-99%

Homestead 10/22 2:30PM 55 Laps Skill-95-100%


iRacing Classic Membersite Postponed

The sunsetting of the Membersite may have been delayed as iRacing continues to work out the kinks in the Member UI

Listener Wesley True alerted us to an old post that got updated with the word ‘postponed’ added to the title as well as an update about it.

Alex Gustafson Posts: 


This process has been put on hold. The iRacing Classic Membersite Sunset will occur once the iRacing UI is considered feature complete. A short term goal we have is also to make portions of the iRacing UI available via a web browser and not require an iRacing client install. For example, features such as Create a Hosted Session, Manage a Team, Manage a League, or view Time Attack Competition Standings will be available from an internet browser. We will have more details on this during Week 13.


Celebrity Rig Review

 Pro Sim Rigs shows off on Instagram the custom rig they made for F1 driver Lando Norris.


The Fastest Lap in Sim Racing History

DJ Yee-J posted a YouTube video trying to set the fastest single lap in iRacing history


Introducing E-Class: A Modest Proposal

Michael Barry has made a proposal of an new E series liscensing ladder that might clean up the variety of cars in the road side, especially after the upcoming release of new content


Short Track Rant

Nick Neebon posted a video of a rant about the lack of new vehicle content on the short track oval side and added some ideas pf what could be added.



New Nascar Rules

Nascar made some new rule changes for road courses and short racks which include a 2-inch spoiler (from the current 4-inch spoiler) and the removal of three diffuser strakes and engine panel strakes. The changes are expected to lead to a 30% reduction in downforce.


Hail Mellon Sighting on iRacing

Bill Nolan JR posted in the iRacing Community posted that Nascar Driver Ross Chastain was on the service, possibly practicing for Las Vegas

“That’s Gotta Be 30 F’ing Cars!”

Moonhead Tweeted the video of their race at Talladega where at least 30 cars were involved in a massive white flag lap melee.  


iRacing Highlights of the Week


Week 13 Downtime Schedule

Alex Gustafson posted in the forums the scheduled downtime for the Season 2 build


Looking for Commentators

Racespot TV is looking for simracing commentators and producers to be added to their options for 2023 and beyond


Story Corrections

Rick Lockwood

@1.) Jerez is far from a dead track, anyone that follows MotoGP will know that 2 weeks ago they had GT and formula cars with some prototypes for a winter series. WEC races over at Portimao in the Algarve area of Portugal, 3 hrs from Jerez.. Jerez is pronounced in english as “Ha-Reth”.. Nice track and facilities also a nice Jack Nicklaus golf course next door.

Nicky Bobby

https://mozaracing.com/product/moza-quick-release-adapter Currently listening to this weeks show and you mention that MOZA does not allow 3rd party rims. But they do. I’ve seen several videos of people using other company’s rims. The quick release they use is a NRG v2 style. There’s even videos of people putting their drift car rims directly onto a Moza r9. The only thing they don’t support is the buttons through the base so you will need to connect the electronics of the wheel via usb, Bluetooth, etc. I’m planning on going to a moza R9 and use my thrustmaster sparco wheel with an adapter I found on the VRS website

  1. scott velezregarding the asetek wheel topic and how good it is, a lot of that comes from the fact that asetek licensed the intellectual property (IP) of the simucube hardware and software. the asetek product is literally based on what many called the best FFB wheel available (simucube). so while many wheel manufactures had to create their designs and software from scratch, asetek did the smart thing (trading cash and stock) and jump started their product right onto the top shelf with an IP deal with simucube it’s no wonder it’s a top tier wheel
  2. Darren FCorrect @scott velez but its not just a copy and paste, they still need to source the hardware and then base the software around the IP they brought so it wasnt just buying some code and shipping a wheel. There has been a lot more to it than that. There is also other parts that no one has really picked up on, like the 5 port hub on the back. That can be used for anything I currently have my 2 flags, streamdeck, pedals and wind sim all plugged into the base keeping 1 simple wire for each at the wheelbase and sending it through the base. I only have the Wheelbase and Mic now going off the rig and into the PC, for some people with MoBo that is limited on ports thats a game changer in its own right !! Something that Simucube doesnt have.
  3. 1.) Mike EllisHow much does simucube make each time asetek sell a base?
  4. scott velezi agree @Darren F. they bought IP (likey electronic designs and firmware), not the actual hardware or end user software.
  5. Mike Ellis from what was posted in the iRacing and GD forums, it sounds ilke it was a one time deal for cash and asetek stocks, not ongoing licensing fees. but it was a private deal, so we may never know the details.

Late Model Update

iRacing’s updated Late Model Stock is based on JR Motorsports’ CARS Late Model Stock Tour entry.  Weighing in at 3100 pounds, the Late Model Stock produces more than 400 horsepower and features fiberglass body panels designed to take the abuse of wheel-to-wheel short track racing. Dale Earnhardt Jr., iRacing executive director and owner of both JR Motorsports and the CARS Tour, was hands-on in the development of the car, spending hours testing and giving feedback to help tune the car to match its real-world counterpart. 


iRacing Creventic Endurance Series

The full CREVENTIC Endurance Series schedule is as follows:

March 11: Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
May 27: Autodromo Nazionale Monza
August 12: Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
December 2 : Virginia International Raceway (Full)

The full CREVENTIC Endurance Series vehicle lineup is as follows:

GT3 Cup:

Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992)

Aston Martin Vantage GT4
McLaren 570S GT4
Mercedes-AMG GT4
Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 Clubsport MR
Touring Car:

Honda Civic Type R
Hyundai Elantra N TC




Podcast Housekeeping

Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to make it easier for more listeners to find the podcast. Mention the podcast to your fellow drivers so they don’t miss out, we would appreciate it.

Check out our Discord https://discord.gg/rvRas4DDqF

New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)





Overall Standngs


New Bundle for the Fanates CSL DD

The best deal in sim racing? Get a complete set with a Direct Drive Wheel base, steering wheel, and pedals with our NEW BUNDLE: CSL DD Race Ready Bundle P1. Available for pre-order now.



PNEUMATIC Pedals – Hot Air or Genius?

Dan Suzuki reviews the SRP-GT-R 3Pc Black Edition hydraulic pedals.



amazing finish, no play or sway

Cube Controls Wheel in real Mercedes Benz

Cube Controls with their colaberation with Mecedes shows that you can use their sim wheek in a real AMG-GT2




NASCAR iRacing Series

Friday Open – AAA
Mike -. P6. Got hit a couple times had a little bit of damage decided to pit I probably shouldn’t have was far back as 22nd drove clear up to second, but the leader was eight seconds in front of me. At that point I couldn’t catch a caution and had driven the tires off and faded back to P6.
David – p15, had a better car, cautions fell and lost the coin toss on the fresh tire timing
Rochette- P
Donnie – P8. Started P7, Car felt great and fast along the high line. Tire wear felt different during this week than it had all week long. Good Run gaining confidence.

Sunday Open

Brian – P.12 Started 8th had fun running the high line, but really made a lot of passes on the bottom. Made my way to first for a while, but was caught up in a wreck at the front of the field. Not too much damage, and was able to stay close to the front.

Rochette -P8 as the end credits scroll on the Auto Club speedway in Fontana so does its official racing. Just like a lack luster mid credit scene in a medicore marvel movie so was my last run at the 2 mile track. Had a long 65 lap run on the start where i was hanging in the top 5. But cautions after cautions killed my long run greatest and with a track tighter than i had all week i was wasn’t coming or going just like the I5 on a friday afternoon.
Hall – p16, car 37 in top split, might have stolen a better position with fuel milage
Tom D – p20. Got spun on lap 5, got a lot of front end damage and no yellow. Fell about a lap down. Was able to work my way from last to 20th during a caution free race. Will miss the big track at California. On to Vegas

Mackenzie – P 23, had a very fast car, was running around 15th and got turned sideways and crashed into the wall getting 4 min in damage, went 2 laps down. Gained one lap back and was running up behind the 9th car 1 lap down and got turned again, e

Sunday Fixed 

  • Mike – got wrecked out on lap nine where the guy in front of me got ran over from behind and he got turned and I T-bone them 11 minutes damage. Knock the right front completely off.

Wednesday Open: Vegas

  • Groves –
  • Rochette -P15 Rolled the dice and lost was super loose in the start of the race so ended up falling in the back trying to get it adjusted right. Got caught in other peoples door banging and got spun and saved it. With my wheel at 2 o clock i ended up going from the back to the top 10 just to get hit and spun again. At the end just couldnt get around the super aggressive guys making it 4 wide in the corners. 
  • Donnie – P17.  This race started terribly as the team set was crazy loose.  Made some pit stop adjustments that made the car enjoyable.  But for two weeks in a row, my wheel base was failing.  With the loose set up, the lack of any FFB, I had zero faith in entering any corner with competence.  Vegas was one of my worst track performance, I am encouraged by the progress.  
  • Mike- p wrecked. Ouch was doing pretty good without cautions I short pitted, but then the caution came out had to take a wave around was running 15th the 20th basically got a caution and drove it up through there. I was riding minding my own business on the top, and the guy drift it up in the band, took us all out.  
  • Tyler – P25, set was extremely loose early on and struggled quite a bit till the first caution around first green flag stops. That was the only caution for the day and just never felt comfortable with the set. Ran the middle lane as I saw others ripping the bottom. Just was not happy the entire race. 
  • Mackenzie – p30, had a very loose car and was fighting to keep it driving straight around the corners, was running around 20th on lap 95 but then a car went sideways in front of me and I t boned him getting 8 mins in damage, repaired the damage and went 10 laps down to finish 30th

Thursday Open  Ellis – I started till I took the lead by lab 17 it stayed green until green flag pitstops I put it on lot 54 coming out of the pitch and one and two as I was trying to go from 2nd to 3rd I somehow shifted the first and spa in the car out coming up on the track bring out the caution ended up 30th one lap down for the next restart. On the next run drove like hell to get the lucky dog and I got it 12 laps later. I ran hard from dead last up two nights before a guy slowed in front of me causing me to spin out causing a Caution. No damage restarting for the restart P 12. The very next restart I’m headed to the front. I go three wide to the outside. The guy in the middle panics and drives me to the wall and five minutes damage.  I soldier on staying on the lead lap, but near the end, I get sideswiped again off the high side, and hit to the wall and wrecked DNF. 

Official Series


  • Indy pro F 2000.
  • USF 2000- yeah USA qualify 10th out of 15 ran as high as eight fell back to 10th, but was some late trouble I climbed up to seventh
  • US F 2000 at Watkins glen started P6 out of 13 got to pee for by the end of last one had a good battle all the way through the end it was able to keep a podium finish P3


  • C class trucks at Auto club speedway – p8, #22 car started 13th, ran a great race was up to 5th with about 10 to go but used too much tire too early and lost 3 positions to finish 8th, ran the whole 30 lap race with no cautions

League / Hosted Races

OBRL Cup Brian -P.15 Started in the back half P23 with a bad qualifying.  On Lap 8 was clipped in the left rear as a car came up the track while wrecking.  Not too much damage, but went to the back.  Had to be careful because of the incident limit, but was able to move up thru the field, much thru attrition.

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. Coke Rage


On the Show this week, we’ll recap an action packed Coke series race at the Milwaukee Mile. The iRacing Formula Skip Barber Series is heading down to the wire with a full ride in the real Skip Barber Series on the line. We are getting more peaks as to what Season 2 will offer, and we’ll look at what is the fastest single lap in the history of iRacing. So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast. 

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 

Donnie Spiker – twitter.com/Spikerman19

Bobby Jonas –


Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/

Episode 0371

#1 iRacing Podcast

2/23/2023 – Floppy Mike – Episode 0371

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

Brought to you by:

Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

On the show this week we welcome special guest and new Lounge Mate Mackenzie Stevens. The Skip Barber Formula Race Series really heats up as the season nears its conclusion, and iRacing gives a peak into new content coming in the next build.

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..

Special Guest

Mackenzie Stevens

General Questions:


Porsche Supercup Round 2

Charlie Collins wins round 2 of the Poursche Tag Heuer Super Cup series as it made its debut at Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours. Returning champion Diogo Pinto took he overall series points lead with race winner Collins just 2 pointa behind

Porsche TAG Heuer Esports Supercup feature results from Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours were as follows:
1 Charlie Collins 20 0.000 20 1:39.065 63
2 Diogo C. Pinto 20 -6.600 0 1:39.037 65
3 Jordan Caruso 20 -7.079 0 1:39.057 55
4 Sebastian Job 20 -7.500 0 1:39.116 55
5 Cooper Webster 20 -7.841 0 1:39.239 56

Porsche TAG Heuer Esports Supercup points through two rounds are as follows:

Diogo Pinto, 138
Charlie Collins, 136
Jordan Caruso, 122
Zac Campbell, 100
Sebastian Job, 87


ADAC Simracing Expo

The ADAC Simracing Expo, which began in 2018 will return in 2023. After a sucessfull show last year the event will return with a change of venue, Messe Dortmund



The Racer channel has a YouTube video explaining some of the feul complexities with MSE (maximum stint energy) and VFT (virtual fuel tank)


Why is There Trading Paints?

Sam Halliday asked in thr forums, “What is trading paints doing what the default game is not doing? Wouldn’t people just be able to share the custom maps offline without the need to run a third party service?”

Vern Klukas, among many others responded as such,..

The more or less complete tale is like this:

Originally, there were no custom paints. Later they opened it up so that you could place a tga in the paint folder and released templates. But no way for you to share you paint other than by emailing to folks. The limitations were all to do with the legal risks.

That’s where the guys that do TP stepped in. They were the first to start a file share site. This solved the problem for everybody.


Formula 1600

iRacing Tweeted a sneak peak of the upcoming Formula 1600 as well as a intro video of the new Circuit De Jerez


ESL Gaming Now Owned by Saudia Arabia

Pending regulatory approval, a holding company owned by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund has purchased esports event organizer ESL Gaming and tournament platform FACEIT. According to Sports Business Journal(opens in new tab), the price for both companies was $1.5 billion. As part of the acquisition, the two companies will merge into the ESL FACEIT Group(opens in new tab), and plan to combine their technology and expertise to “create the ultimate platform for competitive gaming.”


Skip Barber Series 

After a solid debut season in the Skip Barber Formula iRacing Series for 2022, Harley Haughton got a step closer to grand prize at the end of the season—a full-time ride in the 2023 Skip Barber Formula Race Series—with a sweep of both races at Circuit of the Americas on Thursday night, pulling him within one point of Diogo Pinto for the championship lead with two events left.

Skip Barber Formula iRacing Series points through three events are as follows:

  1. Diogo Pinto, 192
  2. Harley Haughton, 191
  3. Josh Thompson, 164
  4. Michael Janney, 160
  5. Brandon Hawkin, 144


Sim Injuries Piling Up

iRacing streamer Matt Malone adds to the list of sim racing injuries as documented on his YouTube video


Rajah Caruth

Sim Racer turned Nacsar Drive, Rajah Caruth was the subject of a USA Today Article documenting his path to Pro Racer


Your Next Upgrade

iRacing asks on their Twitter Page, “What’s the next upgrade you’re looking to get for your sim setup?”


New Content

iRacing Tweeted the next bit of new content that looks to be coming to iRacing.


Podcast Housekeeping

Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to make it easier for more listeners to find the podcast. Mention the podcast to your fellow drivers so they don’t miss out, we would appreciate it.

Check out our Discord https://discord.gg/rvRas4DDqF

New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)







Asetek Forte

Reviews for the Asetek Forte are coming in, and they are very good indeed!


Simlab Handbreak

The all new Sim Handbrake XB1-Loadcell will elevate your drift and rally game with precision inputs! Pre-orders starting next month. 


Sim Shifter Buying Guide

OC Racing posted on his YouTube Channel a Sim Racing Shifter review of the most common, reletively inexpensice shifters including the…


TH8A Thrustmaster

Generic USB Shifter on Amazon

SHH Newt

Thrustmaster TSS Sparco Handbrake Sequential

Fanatec Clubsport


Ascher Racing Dashboards

The Ascher Racing Dashboards in 4 & 5 inch will be available on February 21, 2023 10 am (CET) in their online shop (Link in Bio) and Ascher Racing dealers.


Moza R5 Review

Laurence Dusoswa asks if the Moza R5 is the best entry level DD with his detailed, long tterm review


Wall Sized Triples

Drew Builds Stuff made a YouTube video of a lifesize triple monitors



Moza HGP Shifter Review

The Sim Racing Pit reviews thw Moza HGP shifter


Sim Racing Components 

The new SRC FX 2023 RED Edition: a newly refined design, unique features, and maximum comfort. Pay over three months, interest free



Rig Review

Road to Immersion is building a motion rig with a formula seating position



NASCAR iRacing Series

Wednesday Open: Daytona

Friday Open

  • Mike – got the pole position. Dominated the first part of the race led the most/was in total control with about 70 to go. I was second on the outside, pushing and somehow hooked his bumper and rec the field. 18 minutes damage.  
  • David – p26, speeding penalty, never got it back
  • Rochette- P33 started 2nd was doing ok and just brushed the wall and wrecked made car super loose with all damage fixed. Few laps later lost it again and just parked it just to go and get my ass kicked by some hard ass ai in Call Of Duty DMZ 
  • Donnie – P17

Sunday Open

Brian – P10 started P8, stayed near the front and actually lead some laps. Got some damage when a dart without feathers wrecked in front of me and i got pinned on the wall.  Was in the lead and got a black flag for passing a ridiculously slow pace car and could’t get my lap back.

Rochette -P 30 started on pole fell back alittle survived some stuff with a very aggressive car that was just pushing everyone out of the way. Welp little over half way that car caused a wreck that couldn’t avoid and just killed the front end. Welp no repeat 500 win but lets get it for the last time around the 2 mile Autoclub

Hall – p wrecked out

Donnie – P6

Sunday Fixed Mike – wrecked out let some laps ran top five top 10 around halfway I was running, ate the guy in front of me with high. I went low. I ended up on the apron and got pushed into the grass and then wrecked real hard with eight minutes damage.

Hall – p wrecked out

Wednesday Open: FONTANA

  • Rochette -P3 had a strong long run car. Had a second and half lead with 8 to go and bam caution. 1 car on 40 lap tires stayed out and blocked me and had 2 cars get by me. A gwc later just couldnt get up to rip the top and i sucked on new tires. 
  • Stephen LouAllen- P5 – Got spun and came from back twice 
  • Hall – p19, tough split 33 car, cali no my best of tracks, but still ok run, needed more long runs
  • Greg -pP2 nis was racing for the win
  • Mike- p3 – had a great car, got doored at one point had damage got half of it fixed- came up from the back to finish p3! Great run. I’m a little bit in shock that’s a great run
  • Tyler – P5! Finally a solid run after a string of the Daytona blues. Started 35th and raced my way up. Used the high line the entire race keeping the tires cool. Several cautions around each pit stop helped make my way through traffic after two mistakes blowing my pit box. Able to save enough tire for the end and took 5th. Seeing green on the SR and IR. LETS GO!!!
  • Tom D – WINNER –   Started 29th, because I don’t like to qualify.  I like the back end pit boxes.  Worked my way up through the first half of the race.  Was able to get myself in a top 5 spot when the cautions started coming.  Was able to get to the lead with 10 to go. After 2 GWC attempts I was able to hold of everyone to capture my 1st win of the season and my 21st NiS Career win. 
  • Mackenzie – p30, had a rough start to the race got ran into and pushed up into the wall on the 3rd lap, ended up having over 4 mins of damage to repair and ended up going 15 laps down

Thursday Open  

Rochette – P18 took the day off from the ice storm we had last night. Started 6th was ok til caught the wall and fell back and than caught in a 4 wide situation (me on the top) into T3. Made my way to the top 10 from back and than had 2 cars in front wreck and to the back i go again

Official Series

Greg A open P1


  • Indy pro F 2000.
  • USF 2000
  • Formula IR04 at oulton park circuit. Qualified 14th at a 23.  Got to pee six by the end of lap one.  I finally got to the inside of a guy and a hairpin, and he dogged me into the grass. I fell back to 15.  Somehow someway I rallied all the way back to eighth great first race in this car.  
  • Formula IR 04 at Rd., America. Qualified 11. Got to pee six by the end of lap one. Eventually got to third but spun and fell back to sixth. A great battle with one guy.
  • Dilara dash  at Daytona. Wrecked it out.
  • Formula IR 04 at road Atlanta qualify P6. Got to pee for by the end of last one.  Stayed in it till the end and finally got to third a great podium finish.

A Open

  • Hall – Highlight p4 in a 4500 SoF,  Set fastest lap on lap 73 of 80.  Wow.  Now, 5 of the fastest guys were out of tires on the last caution.
  • Greg – p1

Spiker – P16 and P6

League / Hosted Races


Brian -P23 Had a decent run going.  Started P21 and made progress to get to the lead group.  With 18 laps to go I was on the bottom and a car on the high side got loose off of turn 4 and side slammed me off the track.  I was able to save it from hitting the wall but fell way off the pack.  Race stayed green and finished where I ended up after the contact.

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. Floppy Mike


On the show this week we welcome special guest and new Lounge Mate Mackenzie Stevens. The Skip Barber Formula Race Series really heats up as the season nears its conclusion, and iRacing gives a peak into new content coming in the next build. So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast. 

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 

Donnie Spiker – twitter.com/Spikerman19

Bobby Jonas –


Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/

Episode 0370

#1 iRacing Podcast

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

On the show today, it’s Daytona week and we’ll bring you all of the action fron the Coke race that kicked off the week. We’ll see how team Tifosi fared in the first week of the NIS Series look at the week’s best and worst in iRacing and ask what can AI bring to sim racing.

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..


Does Conti Impress the Podfather?

Coke Series driver showed off his speakers on his rig prior to the season opener at Daytona. However, I think we’ve heard louder.


DRIVEN: Matt Bussa

Matt Bussa’s passion for sim racing and motorsports has taken him from the virtual world to the real track. Through his success in iRacing, the eNASCAR driver has earned opportunities driving with the Skip Barber Formula iRacing Series!


Coke Race – Daytona

  • @SteveLetarte is on the Pre-Race show talking about the @eNASCARCocaCola@iRacing Series finale that took place at the @NASCARHall last year and how iRacing can be used to showcase stock cars at different tracks.
  • The entire @eNASCARCocaCola #iRacing Series field was within 0.077 seconds of each other in qualifying.

FIRST CAUTION, BEFORE TURN 1 ON THE FIRST LAP! @DonovanStrauss, @MGuest33, and others crash in Turn 1!

  • RESTART LAP 4: @bobbyzalenski and @DDuval42 lead the field into Turn 1.
  • LAP 6: NEW LEADER, @KollinKeister
  •  Lead change, it’s @bobbyzalenski back up front with a MONSTER push from @CoseyJr. The bottom line now prevails at Daytona! 15 laps complete. 
  • LAP 18: @RyanLuza goes a lap down after he was in that Lap 1 wreck.
  • Things have settled out here in Daytona. @bobbyzalenski leads as they begin Lap 20
  • LEAD CHANGE AT LAP 30! @CoseyJr  backed up to @TuckerMinter and they FLEW around Zalenski to take control! The rookies are out front!
  • Halfway: Green flag pit stops are underway.
  •  39 to go: CoseyJr pits from the lead.
  • 36 to go: @TuckerMinter cycles to the lead after green flag pit stops.
  • Two packs, there is a top 4 and 8 cars in 2nd pack then 6 in a 3rd pack
  • What a SAVE by @brandonmKissic We stay green!
  • after pits cycled, @TuckerMinter wound up taking control from @Cosey Jr  – We’ve got just over 25 laps to go!
  • CAUTION! 23 to go. @CodyByus is involved.IT is a case of the a pusher pushing the pusher
  • Coming back to green – @A_Boes21 leads!
  • Don’t know how they all didn’t wad it up here but we all stayed straight and kept it green. Front nine cars have pulled away as a result! That was CLOSE. STILL GREEN. LESS THAN 10 TO GO AND THE SECOND PACK IS GONNA NEED A YELLOW!
  • 4 to go. It’s a 9-car breakaway.
  • CAUTION! @kkingstyle, @KadenWHoneycutt, @DDuval42 and more. We’re going to overtime!
  • OVERTIME RESTART 1: @A_Boes21 and @CaseyKirwan23 lead the field into Turn 1.
  • CAUTION! They wrecked just before the white flag. Back to overtime once again.
  • Restart again Kirwin Minter Ray – and others lined up on the top they get the white – cosey goes to bottom with his teammate but it fails they line up again.
  • Minter Dumps Kirwin for the win!! OR is it Kirwin with an ill advised block either way Tucker Minter Wins!
  • CHECKERED FLAG! @TuckerMinter wins at @DAYTONA!Minter is just the THIRD driver to win in his @enascarofficial debut

Highlights of the Week

8.) Formula Cars at Road America 7.) GT Cars at Interlargos 6.) Pro Trucks at Crandon 5.) GT Cars at Monza 4.) GT Cars at SPA 3.) TCR Cars at Laguna Seca 2.) GT Cars at ??? 1.) TCR Cars at the Red Bull Ring.


Not Top Ten


iRacing Wants You to Decide

Do you want to win a pair of Bose ear buds. Then let iRacing know which track the PESC goes to. Your options are Imola, Laguna Seca, or Long Beach.


Prayers for Our Turkish iRacers

A Turkish iRacer was streeming live when the deadly earthquake hit 


ESL R1 Thoughts

First thoughts of the new Rennsport Sim


Overtake.gg Grabs Race Department

The internet’s leading sim racing community and mod depository RaceDepartment has been purchased by German media outlet Overtake.GG.


iR-01 Oval Setup

iRacer Dan Riffero, posted in the forums requesting iRacing develop and Oval setup for the iR-01.

iR-01 Oval listing


Victory Sim at Daytona

Sictory Sim set up 10 sims in the fan zone area at Daytona


World of Outlaw Champion Crowned

iRacing World of Outlaws Carquest Auto Parts Sprint Car Champion Tyler Schell collectedd his prize money at the World of Outlaws Season opening race at Velosia Speedway


Bathurst 12 Hours Recap

iRacing posted the stats from last weekend’s Bathurt 12 Hour Race




Podcast Housekeeping

Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to make it easier for more listeners to find the podcast. Mention the podcast to your fellow drivers so they don’t miss out, we would appreciate it.

Check out our Discord https://discord.gg/rvRas4DDqF

New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)




Fantasy is Back!

The iRacers Lounge Podcast fantasy league at https://fantasygames.nascar.com/live is back. Currently 67 competitors composed of Team Tifosi members and Listeners are signed up ready to go. Get signed up before the 500 and attempt to take the championship title from Louder Racing.

What are your Picks?


A.I. Commentating

Pit Lanes Sim Racing posted a video of Tik Tok of an A.I. generated commentary.


AMD Benchmarks on iRacing

Listener Craig Ream

Interesting bench test on this particular chip considering not many are dedicated to iracing only


Sim Cave Review

Gaming Guilts posted their Sim Racing Cave


Direct Drive Price Guide

Traxion,gg posted a YouTube video price buying guide for direct drive wheel bases


GSI 3D Config Tool

Gomex Sim Industries new 3D wheel Configuration Tool is ready!


Asaetek Shipping Update

Asetek Sim Sports had to halt shipment of preorders for components of their quick release that was out of spec


Custom Button for Aiologs Shifter

R/Simracing posted on Reddit a partslist breakdown to make a custom button box for the Aiologs shifter.


Logitec G Racing Adapter

Logitech has released its G Adapter, enabling compatibility between its G29, G920, G923 and PRO Racing Wheels, plus its PRO Racing Pedals and Driving Force Shifter.



NASCAR iRacing Series

Wednesday Open: Daytona

  • Stephen- wrecked out
  • Hall – p wrecked my a spinner from the apron.  Stay near the front for first half of race.  Once Cody was able to get with me we took the lead and lead a large chunk of 2nd half.  After Green Flag starts I’m just a little slow on pit road, loose cody and the that pitted, then a guy who was dangerous all night spins on his own on pit road and knocks someone else onto track right into my path.
  • Tom – P5.  Started on pole.  Lead 62 laps including the white flag.  My pusher unfortunately started blinking on the last lap. So I lost all momentum
  • Greg -p6 – led the most laps. 
  • Mike- p7 – round top three top five most of the night led a few laps.  I got shuffled and hip checked with about 30 to go fell back about 12th or 13th. Had trouble getting back up there, but eventually did got wrecked on the white and had a limpet across.  P7.
  • Tyler – p25 – started from the back and ran well until a wreck under green pits as a car wrecked on pit out in T1. Got snagged a lap down during the cycle and was able to get the lucky dog by staying with the lead pack. Set was great and the car felt good. Received a meatball dinner on lap 140 from over aggressive pushing and the full throttle cars blasting through the wreck. Finished but with a 9x. 
  • Joe – wrecked 

Official Series


  • David- p21, in a 488 gt3 team had problems before i got in the car.  Ran very clean laps and attrition piled up for us to climb back to mid pack

A Open

  • Hall – p7 best finish so far
  • Ellis -p10. Lots of big wrecks I was able to miss read about fifth the 10th most of the time as high as second, but finally got involved in the big one with about 25 to go seven minutes damage. Was able to stay on the lead lap and got in another big wreck and ended up with 12 minutes damage but still able to stay on the lead lap and bring it home P 10.  
  • Rochette P9 first been in the cup car dince Phoenix. Started on pole. Half way was tagged in a wreck caving in the right front was still fast in a pack but just couldnt be out front. Good practice for friday night


C OPEN @ Daytona – Q2, P16.  Ran great, the truck was good.  Led a few laps.  Caught up in a wreck about 1/3rd way through (1.45opt).  Lost the draft on the restart, fell a lap down, race went green the final 30 laps. Unable to get the lap back.

B OPEN @Daytona – Q4, P2.  Ran upfront all race long.  Led laps.  Pitted under green with 25 to go, with only one other car who took four tires.  I was alone on the track for several laps until I connected with a David “Smeal.”  When we hooked up, we were 3 seconds from being lapped.  Our two car tandem was able to gain over 7 seconds on the pack.  Late race GWC allowed me back in it to finish P2.

League / Hosted Races

  • Mike Supercars at Michigan started 12th finished P2 almost won it 
  • 87 that Talladega came from 25th up to the lead pack, got wrecked it at the end
  • GEN five at Talladega start a 23rd got wrecked out
  • Beetle light at Lanier dirt started 35th got to the lead by lap 26 finish P3
  • Riley Daytona prototype at Talladega let a bunch of labs was in a position to win at the end, but got hit and recd P5
  • 87’s at Talladega got wrecked ou

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. 500 Ways to DNF


On the show today, it’s Daytona week and we’ll bring you all of the action fron the Coke race that kicked off the week. We’ll see how team Tifosi fared in the first week of the NIS Series look at the week’s best and worst in iRacing and ask what can AI bring to sim racing. So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast. 

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 

Donnie Spiker – twitter.com/Spikerman19

Bobby Jonas –


Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/

Episode 0369

#1 iRacing Podcast

2/9/2023 – State of the Sim – Episode 0369

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

On the show this week we’ll check out an informative message fron the iRacing Development Team, an iRacing infuencer asks if eSports is killing sim racing. We’ll check out a video showing how tomake iRacing better, and it’s less than a week before the iRacing Daytona 500 begins, SO LET”S GO!

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracersmlounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..


iRacing Development Update

Over the past year-plus, a significant focus has been placed on increasing the size of our team and hiring talented and experienced new developers. Our teams have been reinforced with new artists, programmers, creative talent, production staff and managers.  For example, one high level engineer joined us with years of experience working on both the consumer and pro version of a different sim. One of our top creative hires has experience spanning decades across sims of multiple racing disciplines, ranging from rally to oval. Several of these new hires come from Slightly Mad Studios (a former fellow sim development studio), and they worked on Project Cars and other racing titles. We always have had a lot of respect for these racing studios and teams, and are excited to bring their experience, expertise, and fresh ideas to iRacing.

In regard to dirt oval racing, we have a team with varying skill sets doing a full review and full refresh. The dynamic track surface, tires, physics, dirt, water, etc. is complicated and a time-consuming endeavor to improve the racing, but we are making progress. Among other things, we are making adjustments to the tires. We are making improvements to the dirt track composition and surface itself, which is critical. The engineers have also provided more car tuning tools to the vehicle dynamics engineers, production people and testers. The outcome we are seeing is that the cars feel more connected to the track than in the past, which is something we have struggled with on dirt. We are seeing a bigger separation from a tacky (fresh) race track to a slick (worn out) race track that should lead to more realistic race lines. Overall, the cars are just much more realistic, fun and enjoyable to drive. I’m not trying to hype any of this, I’m just trying to provide an update. We do many things well already, so this is not a complete overhaul. I think you will find it is just a very nice improvement and hopefully you will agree it is more fun and realistic. As far as timing on a release to you, our members, I think there is an outside chance for the March build, but a more realistic target is June.

We are essentially doing the same thing for pavement oval as above; a dedicated team is taking a fresh look, but we are not as far along as we are with dirt oval. We certainly still have the goal to release improvements this year for oval racing.  Additionally, we think some of the improvements we are making for dirt oval racing will translate to dirt road racing, and we hope to get to that as well.

As far as road racing and racing in general, as most of you know, a massive project has been underway to add rain and a whole new dynamic weather system to iRacing. We are very excited about how it is all coming together. The plan for that is also to release it this year, and we are really pushing to do that. However, I will get yelled at if I promise anything; it is such a big project. If it was done to our expectations, we would have already released it, so we still have some work to do.

The tires themselves are also being worked on constantly which will improve all forms of racing. Of course, rain created a tremendous amount of new tire and track surface work, or as our engineers call the rain tire work in their technical design document, “Tires on a Film of Fluid”. 

A major project over 2022 in regard to tires was developing a finite element model (FEM) specific to vehicle racing tires. The intention of this separate model was to build a tool to accurately simulate the behavior of tires under different operating conditions, especially to analyze the loads and forces/moments occurring in the contact patch. With this tool available, we should be able to extend and improve iRacing’s current tire model to respond more accurately to these loads, forces and moments.


While our list is extensive and development efforts will span many seasons of development, some notable upcoming projects include Algarve, Aragon, Jerez, Misano, Pukekohe, and Lédenon.  We have actually signed several other great International tracks beyond these, but that is enough to tease for today.   We are also returning to an iRacing favorite that has become outdated: Zandvoort.  Zandvoort was scanned last week and it will be going straight into our production process. Locally, our US-based team is on their way to California to capture data on a dirt oval and paved short oval, and our collaborative projects with NASCAR continue to expand and evolve as we are working on additional track-related R&D projects and updates. 



We would like to rescan/redo Spa as well.



75 Years of Next Gen’s

According to a re-tweet by Trading Paints of Paul Newton, Paul Newton plans on releasing all the past Cup Champion’s Paint Schemes in a Next Gen form.


E A Sports, it’s in the Verstappen

Max Verstappen and EA Sports have joined forces. Verstappen will help promote future EA Sports Racing and Sports games.


Update on iRacing and Russia

Greg West: Good day,

Unfortunately, due to the war with Ukraine and the associated international sanctions, iRacing is having difficulties conducting business in Russia.

As a result of these issues, several months ago we stopped accepting new direct customers from Russia. Unfortunately, we are forced to take the next step to minimize memberships with our existing direct Russian customers. We urge you not to renew your membership if you are a direct Russian customer (as opposed to non-direct customers that are on iRacing via Steam) or purchase any additional cars and tracks.

Additionally, starting on March 7, 2023, direct Russian customers will no longer be able to use any payment type to make purchases on iRacing including: cars, tracks, or renew your direct iRacing membership.

Russian iRacing Steam customers will still be able to have memberships through Steam and new Russian customers can also join through Steam. These transactions are managed directly through Steam, not iRacing.

Direct iRacing members may contact customer support at support@iRacing.com with any questions.

We sincerely apologize for this action, it does not benefit iRacing, but we were left with little choice.   

We do hope one day we can return to providing full direct iRacing memberships to customers located in Russia.

Thank you for understanding.




Are eSports Killing Sim Racing?

  1. The Win at all cost mentality – Gentlemen racing is out the window….
  2. Live embarrassment – Using big stars like Max when it goes wrong sim racing looks bad with a lot of people watching us.
  3. Focus on esports instead of sim racing
  4. Big Money – Big Companies – Controlling everything
  5. Licensing is getting worse not better

Porsche Supercup Round 1

Zac Campbell kicked off the chase towards the 2023 Porsche TAG Heuer Esports Supercup championship with a win in the feature race from Hockenheimring Baden-Wurttemberg, passing Lasse Bak on Lap 4 and leading the balance of the race to return to the top step of the podium


Season 1 Patch 4


Stolen 500 Car

Brendan Hypprstar Tweeted his Daytona 500 protest car scheme


Screen tp Speed

Screen to Speed, the ladies only racing series, has just 5 days left to make it through the qualifying rounds


Spartan Sim Racing League

dave fuge jr

The Spartan SimRacing League (SSRL) Cup Series will be competing on select Monday nights starting Feb 27th and concluding at the end of October. This is a 50% fuel and distance league, putting an emphasis on race strategy and race craft, not just blinding speed. This is an open set up league that will also have at least 1 set up provided by the community for everyone to try, so you do not have to be a set up expert to be able to race with us. The total schedule is 24 races, with 7 Groups of 3 races to determine who will compete for the championship. The final 3 races will decide the champion, with a group of 10 drivers competing. There is also a Tier 2 championship available for the remaining drivers that did not make the Final 10. More detailed information on the procedure is located on our website at www.spartansimracingmedia.com .

The SSRL Cup Series prides itself on clean, competitive racing and a sense of community and camaraderie amongst the drivers. The races are professionally broadcasted by Prime Time Racing TV. Season 1 races can be viewed on their YouTube channel.

This league has cash and product prizes. Each race will have payouts and cash awards, and at the end of the season there will be final championship payouts and prizes. There may also be a team championship if there are enough teams signed up to compete. There are two different competitors’ fees to race, but there is only one that is mandatory. That is $10 per race that you compete in, which is the pool that gets paid back on the individual race payouts. The second fee is the championship fee, which is $150 for the season. This fee is not mandatory, but if you want to be involved in the end-of-year cash and prizes, you have to be bought into that.

All league business is conducted through our SSRL Cup League discord channel. The link to the discord channel is on the website.


Bathurst 12


Grand Prix Series



Podcast Housekeeping

Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to make it easier for more listeners to find the podcast. Mention the podcast to your fellow drivers so they don’t miss out, we would appreciate it.

Check out our Discord https://discord.gg/rvRas4DDqF

New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)






Gran Turismo Pre Orders

The Fanatec Gran Trismo DD Pro is now available for pre-order


ABS in Action 

Simucube shows off thier new Active Pedal ABS brake effects on a video on ther Twitter Page.


Listener Darren F with Asetek Fix

Listener Darren F hit us up in the discord to share he has made a part for the heel issue on the Asetek Pedals and sells it on ebay….


VRS Direct Force Pro Review

Boosted Media reviews the VRS Direct Force Pro and has great things to say



Kirwan Gloves

Daniel Morad posted that he’s finished making new gloves for Casey Kirwan as he prepares to defend his Coke Series Championship this season


Pimax Crystal

Pimax Unvailed the new Pimax Crystal VR Headset


INI File Tweeks

Front seet racing posted a YouTubre video with 55 INI,files  tweeks that make iRacing better


SimVosi Pro

SimVosi PRO traction loss & yaw system for professional driver training. 



P1Sim Arnage

The P1Sim Arnage formula wheel is available



  • 4″ LCD Touchscreen
  • 7 illuminated push buttons
  • 2 rotary encoders
  • 2 twelve position rotaries
  • 2 Thumb rotaries
  • 33mm ergonomic Rubber grips
  • 20 RGB LEDs
  • 2 magnetic shifter paddles
  • 2 Switchless Clutch paddles
  • Wheel diameter: 290 mm
  • 5mm Carbon plate
  • CNC machined Aluminium parts
  • High Quality 2.5m long USB cable
  • VR Compatible
  • Hub compatible with any bases on the market.


Moza R21 Wheelbase Review

Shaun Cole from the Sim Pit reveiws the Moza Racing R21 Wheelbase



Qubic System QS-DD-20

The QS-DD-20 direct drive steering wheelbase was designed from the ground up by Motion Systems engineers. It uses industrial-grade components that are also used to build Qubic System cockpits and motion platforms. The steering wheelbase is also equipped with a standard 6-hole mounting flange, to which most sim racing and real car steering wheels can be mounted.



Heusinkveld Black Edition

Heusinkveld Sim Pedals Sprint are now available as a Black Edition in 2 and 3 pedal sets. Same product, different colour, but limited stock only!




NASCAR iRacing Series

Friday Open: Phoenix

Mike- p 13 had a long run and faded down the 20th a lot down, but finally caught a caution and thought for the lucky dog and eventually got it. 313 I’ll take it. It’s been a great season. This is the end of the season a bunch of good drivers. Finish 10th in division two for the season.  35th overall divisions.

Official Series


Srf at phx rd. A very last minute decision with absolutely no practice before the race.  Started 15th finish 10th spun off on my own two or three times but still a good result out of 19.  

Toyota TR 86 at tsukuba circuit qualified 12 out of 18. Got to pee seven by the end of lap one ended up in a tassel go back to pee 15 but recovered to finish 10th

BMW Challenge

  • Tom and I, p7.  Incident free at Daytona

Euro Sprint Series

  • Hall –  p4 at Nuremberg GP

League / Hosted Races


  • Mike. Hosted Chris Maguire old INDYCAR at Michigan. Stop for fuel only and fun on the really slick it out not once but three times.  
  • Riley Daytona Proto types at Charlotte started dead last got the 18th by the first lap eventually up to 12 before we all wreckEd.

Winter League-phoenix

  • Mike -p seventh. Had a pretty good run round top 10 basically most of the night tried to fit under green flag when most other side petted and I spun getting on to pit Road causing the Caution to come out I was able to stay on the lead laugh and restart forth with 40 to go faded it back to seventh.

MAJORS SERIES  – Intimidator 500

  • David – p5.  I won my duel, started p4.  Ran in the front with team mates, after a slightly bad green flag stop lost the lead pack.  Near the end, was in a pace of 6th through tenth with a team mate.  At 3 to go we decide to go ahead and play for 6th, I was pushing, not bumping around the corner and it went bad.  Unfortunately took my teammate out he had to tow.  Un-intended consequence was it gave my team mates a shot at the win, and it worked out that was as a member of another team tried to hold the outside line up so his team could get a 1-2 finish.  I limped in in 5th.

Greg – p7 Deserved better

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. State of the Sim


On the show this week we’ll check out an informative message fron the iRacing Development Team, an iRacing infuencer asks if eSports is killing sim racing. We’ll check out a video showing how tomake iRacing better, and it’s less than a week before the iRacing Daytona 500 begins, So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast. 

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 

Donnie Spiker – twitter.com/Spikerman19

Bobby Jonas –


Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/

Episode 0368

#1 iRacing Podcast

2/2/2023 – Simnado – Episode 0368

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

On the show this week, a new World of Outlaws Sprint Car Champion was crowned, the 2023 Coke series made it’s unofficial start, and the Porshe Super Cup series begins this week. There’s more from the controversial 24 Hours of Daytona, and is there data that can prove that Sim Racing is a sport?

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..


It’s Back!

Announced by iRacing, the Skip Barber Formula iRacing Series is back. The sim to reality championship returns this week.


A Late Apology

Williams eSporst posted a letter to explain the actions of their Daytona 24 team and their posts afterwards


Spin Cycle

Overtake posted a video of a car going absolutely spin crazy


iRacing at the 24 Hours of Daytona


Patch 3 Release



Bringing Down the Hammer

iRacing Short Course penalizes 2 drivers, including Parker Retzlaff, to the back of the field for poor driving


Rigs on a Plane

Max Verstappen installed a sim rig on a private jet so he can keep racing while traveling


Saved! Then Dead

Sim Streamer Matt Malone shows a video of his last lap drama while racing at Talladega.


Slowing iRacing Down

Ilkka Haapala Tweeted that after watching the real Daytona 24, iRacing needs to slow down all classes to match reality


And Another One Gone

Kevin Ellis Jr has pulled out of the iRacing Porschr TAG Heur Supercup citing “other competitions and commitments”


Rennsport Delays

Rennsport Tweeted an apology for a delay in the beta version of their sim


Coke Race – The Clash

This entire race is really a race of yeet or be yeeted. The heats had no cautions and someone usually was getting sent most of the time…

Heat 1 -Garret Lowe wins

@RyanLuza was able to set sail to win the second heat with ease!

Another Rookie statement MADE! @timothyholmes67 DOMINATES in his opening race with @RFKracing in Heat 3

Pure chaos in this 40 lap consolation.@ParkerW95 and @GarrettManes have been battling for the lead among the lapped traffic. Top 7 advance – Keister was 7th Keister did what he had to bar rules



Sim vs Reality

Anthony Alfredo post another Simulation vs Reality video at Charlotte


New Content Tease

iRacing Tweeted a teaser for possibly a new track!


Sim Racing Cardio

Overtake tweeted some heart rate monitoring data from the Daytona 24 and how it compares to other aerobic activity


World of Outlaws Championship

Week 10 of the WoO Sprint car championship saw an unlikely champion crowned in an exciting finale at the Dirt Track at Charlotte

1285Tyler Schell35913.93278
2852James Edens35-0.016014.03374
3120Aiden Forster35-0.3772513.95272
4191Mason Hannagan35-0.891014.14964
5586Timothy S Smith35-1.067013.91365

iRacing World of Outlaws Carquest Sprint Car Series points are as follows:

  1. Tyler Schell, 610
  2. Alex Bergeron, 602
  3. Timothy Smith, 581
  4. James Edens, 565
  5. Kendal Tucker, 500


Porsche Tag Heuer Supercup Preview

This weekend begins the new season of iRacing’s top road course championship, and Overtake.gg and Newsroom have a season preview



BMW M Sim Cup

The BMW M Sim Cup kicks off this weekend with new cars, catagories, Prize Money, and schedule.


2023 iRacing Bathurst 12 Hour


Date: February 10-12

(Registration opens 1 hour prior to the event)

Timeslot #1 – Friday 22:00 GMT

Timeslot #2 – Saturday 7:00 GMT

Timeslot #3 – Saturday 12:00 GMT

Timeslot #4 – Saturday 16:00 GMT

Track: Mount Panorama Circuit

License – D 4.0 Road

Sim Date (Time of Day Setting): February 5th, 2023

Warm Up Sim Start Time (Time of Day Setting): 5:05 AM

Green Flag Sim Start Time (Time of Day Setting): 5:45 AM


Warmup: 30 Minutes

Qualifying: Attached & Solo – 8 Minutes for 2 Laps

Race: 12 Hours

Weather: Dynamic

Splits By: iRating

Team Event: Yes. Declare drivers and fair share rules apply. (min 2 drivers and max 16)

Drive through penalty limit: 50 incs and every 20 thereafter

Field Size : 50

Cars & Class:

BOP will be announced roughly 1 week prior to the event and we reserve the right to make a change to that BOP up until the Wednesday immediately preceding the event.


Audi R8 LMS


Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 2020

Ford GT GT3

Lamborghini Huracán GT3 EVO

McLaren MP4-12C GT3

Mercedes AMG GT3

Porsche 911 GT3 R


Podcast Housekeeping

Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to make it easier for more listeners to find the podcast. Mention the podcast to your fellow drivers so they don’t miss out, we would appreciate it.

Check out our Discord https://discord.gg/rvRas4DDqF

New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)






WRC/TCR Sim Wheel

The steering wheel is modelled on the one from the Hyundai i30 WRC, e.g. Ken Block, along with the i30 TCR cars, made in Simline’s own style, i.e. with good electronics based on PCB and enclosed in an aluminum housing.

Simline WRC / TCR wheel
– 12x high quality MEC backlight switches
– 4x high quality ELMA E33 encoders
– Illuminated front panel
– aluminium housing
– 320mm diameter wheel, in alcantara with yellow centre stripe
– Spiral/coil cable
– LeoBodnar main controller


Asetek Invicta Hydraulic Pedal Review

The Sim Racing Den offers their review of the Asektec Invicta Hydraulic Pedals.


S6 Sequential Shifter

Compatible with PC. Mounting plate included. Plug USB and play.

Bolt plunger feedback mechanism

Shifting type: Microswitches 

Lever for fast neutral gear

Solid aluminium body. Strong and heavy shifter. Weight approx 1.5kg

Height 34cm


Simucube 2 True Drive

Simucube releases their True Drive software


Screen to Wheel to Head spacing (maximize FOV)

So the rule of thumb is you want your monitor just a touch closer to your face than its width. Naturally a smaller monitor is going to be closer to your face. 27″ monitors are about the smallest you could get and still hit 180 degrees and to do that you probably need to compromise on your seating position by sitting more upright and closer to the wheel than you would normally.

Also watch out for aspect ratios. You really want as square an aspect ratio as possible. You can’t find them anywhere anymore but the older 4:3 aspect ratio monitors were perfect for triple monitor setups. Going with an ultrawide monitor setup will result in a very short vertical FOV and you will be completely unable to see the dash.


VPGSim Formula Wheel

Via VPGSim on Instagram: The new V-RSPG PRO is finally here! 🔥 New grips, VoCore, new RGB rotaries, SimHub Compatible! Thanks to you guys we’ve been able to improve the already great V-RSPG and bring it to the next level! 🙏🏻



From Cradle to Rig

Made by Decker created a sim rig from a repourposed children’s bed


T818 Review

OC Racing is the latest to review the new Thrustmaster T818 Direct Drive Wheel


Sim Racing Purchase Advice

Mac Evad (Dave Cam) gives advice on Sim Racing Purchase Advice by using his long purchasing history as a guide


Did They Fixe the VRS Direct Force Pro DD?

Will Ford at Boosted Media revisited the VRS Direct Drive Pro DD after some much needed updates from his previous review


Hide-Away Rig

pebseygtracing posted on Tik Tok their hidden sim racing room

https://www.tiktok.com/@piRacing World of Outlaws Carquest Sprint Car Series points are as follows:
Tyler Schell, 610
Alex Bergeron, 602
Timothy Smith, 581
James Edens, 565
Kendal Tucker, 500ebseygtracing/video/7193416578451442949?_r=1&_t=8ZRqlPdsHxy

Simucube in the USA

A Instagram video shows the Simucube products, including the new Active Pedals, availavle in the USA



NASCAR iRacing Series

Friday Open: 

Mike- p I don’t wanna talk about it. We’ll just pretend this one didn’t happen.

Wednesday Open: phoenix

Mike –  p17. Ran as high as P9, but didn’t do tires on the last stop a huge regret and I faded to last car one lap down. 

Official Series


  • Indy pro F 2000 at spa qualify 10 out of 15. Got ran over from behind on turn one lap one but no damage and finished P6.
  • USF 2000 at spa- qualified fourth out of 13. I got wrecked out at the end of the Long Street on live one when the guy behind us didn’t even try to break for the corner and just plowed i


ARCA – Talladega- Wrecked

League / Hosted Races

Winter League- Atlanta

  • Mike -p DNF. I started dead last drove it up to the ninth and then faded back to last before I parked. It felt kind of sick to my stomach other people in my house had the flu and I was fighting trying to get it so I also couldn’t hear David on the TeamSpeak, so I parked it.  
  • David – p20, everyone except me saved fuel the whole race and made it a one stop

MAJORS SERIES  – Intimidator 500

  • David – Ran a ton of Pre Q  currently have a 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th to set my average
  • Donnie – Pre Q Race 1 – Wrong Set

                           Pre Q Race 2 – Wrecked 3X, P20 Something

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. Simnado


On the show this week, a new World of Outlaws Sprint Car Champion was crowned, the 2023 Coke series made it’s unofficial start, and the Porshe Super Cup series begins this week. There’s more from the controversial 24 Hours of Daytona, and is there data that can prove that Sim Racing is a sport? So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast. 

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 

Donnie Spiker – twitter.com/Spikerman19

Bobby Jonas –


Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/

Episode 0367

iRacing Podcast

1/26/2022 – Aprons of Daytona – Episode 0367

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

Brought to you by:

Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

On the show this week we’ll be talking everything Daytona 24 from stats, to how Teams Tifosi fared, as well as another controversy that may have tainted the top split, The Coke Series Teams have been releases, we see a first in hardware with a new level of submersion, and Dave Cam tries to get us all in trouble by asking how much we have spent on our Sim racing Hardware.

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..


 New Sim Rennsport is Coming 

The pieces are all falling in place. We’ve had several high profile, Sim drivers, announce, leaving their teams without announcing where they’re going we have the new SIM coming out called Rennsport.  Which is the obvious landing spot. Now we have faze clan one of the twins from the lady my wife works with announce a partnership with Porsche.  I think he’s called faze swag.

So basically, Porsche is trying to do the same thing that motorsports games is doing  

They got a media outlet  check  

They got drivers   Check

They got publicity and buying onto esports   CheckSo the speculation today is Porsche actually is funding Rennsport



iRacing Daytona 24 Hour Recap

The iRaicing Daytona 24 has wrapped up and here are the stats





A New Record

Cisco Scaramuzza set a new, single driver record for Daytona 24


More Daytona Stats

Steve Myers breaks down some more incredible stats from Daytona


Team Tifosi Results

Team Fast – BMW LMDH, David Hall, Greg Hecktus, Mike Ellis, Tom Dryling, and Kyle Pendegraft

P4 finish, car drove like a dump truck the last segment. Definitely couldn’t get through the corners like we could early in the race. We did lead 2 laps of the race and out fastest lap was 1:32.667 on lap 629, An average lap time of 1:39.541, We completed 861 had 94X  and was -35 Laps down

Team Fun – Ferrari GTE, Tony Rochette, Tyler Williamson, Donnie Spiker, Chris Scales.

P14 Finish – Team Captain Tony Rochette took the green to start the race. A couple on track incidents and a hardware malfunction resulted in the team being 31 laps down by the end of the race. Team Fun continued to push all day and all night and ended with a 14 place finish. The team received 51X, the 3rd least amongst all teams.

Most Laps Run – Donnie Spiker (281), Fastest Lap – Tyler Williamson (1:45:717)

Another Exploit Exposed

Unfortunately, the race was not without its controversies with allegations of blocking and running off of the racing surface.


Greg West in the Forums

iRacing Member – Lennart Blok

can’t iRacing add a 0x off track in the apron? (@Greg West )

I get that they don’t want to consider this an actual of track as it’s there for a reason, but at least with a 0x it will invalidate the laptime for these purposes.

I suppose this method could also be used on other tracks where the off track surface has similar conflicting purposes.

Greg West

We are aware of this situation and investigating.

I can say that this specific scenario was discussed in a pre race briefing. We have not put a 1x down there prior to encourage cars that might be limping back to the pits to stay off the racing line. We will be discussing mechanisms to mitigate the ability to use this area in an advantageous manner moving forward.

The Sporting Code specifically outlines this situation; “ Drivers can only use the racing surface for Qualifying and Racing. The apron and pit road are not defined as racing surfaces. Drivers may not use the apron or pit road to gain an advantage in Qualifying or Racing. Any advantage will be determined by iRacing.com. A protest may be filed through the proper channels for this offense”.

The area is clearly coned off, we would hope that would be enough of a deterrent.







Skip Barber Formula iRacing Series Returns

The Skip Barber Formula iRacing Series returns, once again bringing what may be the best prize in simsports, a fully funded ride in the real life Skip Barber Series.


Nascar Cup Series Template and Model Updates

Brian Simpson Posts:

Just a heads up, Nascar has changed how the hood louvers and noses are modeled for the 2023 season. This required us to update our 3d models to match these changes. They were restricted to the nose, hood, and fenders. While we tried to match the existing UV’s as closely as we could, there will be changes that need to be made on existing custom schemes to match these edits.

Just a FYI you may want to look over your paints.


Coke Series Driver Lineup Complete

Justin Melillo posts the official 2023 eNascar Coke Series lineup and teams




More GTPS Coming

iRacing’s Steve Myers responded to a tweet indicating iRacing has ‘more’ coming. This is in response to a question regarding the addition of more GTP’s into the service.


Highlights of the Week


2023 iRacing BMW Sim Cup

iRacing announced this week that the BMW Sim Cup returns with the M Hybrid V8 and the M4 GT3.  The 10 rouseason starts on February 5th in Daytona and concludes on November 10 at Suzuka.  



Fast Pasta Showing Off

“Fast Pasta”, Anthony Alfredo posted a YouTube video of him in a testing session in full race gear


Road to Pro Schedule

James Pike posted the 2023 eNascar Road to Pro Shedule.


Season 1 Patch 3 Release Notes


WoO Sprints

Week 9 of the WoO Sprint Car Series at Weedsport sets the stage for an exciting final week showdown for the Chamionship

1648Dylan Yeager351112.99777
2352James Edens35-1.1601813.16675
3725Tyler Ducharme35-3.725013.09071

iRacing World of Outlaws Carquest Sprint Car Series points through nine rounds are as follows:

  1. Alex Bergeron, 555
  2. Tyler Schell, 532
  3. Timothy Smith, 516
  4. James Edens, 491
  5. JD Brown, 457


Lego Motion Rig

SimracingDen posted a youTube video of a Lego Sim Motion Rig Setup


The Sim Racer Movie Review

According to Overtake GG: Should You Watch It?

Ultimately, whilst the movie isn’t perfect or ground-breaking, it’s very enjoyable for a microbudget movie of this sort. It may be found to be derivative and filled with tropes, but it’s a sweet, in the pocket and down to earth story about an average guy who is in to sim racing.

The Sim Racer is a great foundation to build upon for the future of movies centred around sim racing, and it feels somewhat like validation for our niche hobby of driving pretend racecars. With the Gran Turismo movie releasing in August, could these two movies be the springboard for showing off the appeal of racing on video games?


Podcast Housekeeping

Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to make it easier for more listeners to find the podcast. Mention the podcast to your fellow drivers so they don’t miss out, we would appreciate it.

Check out our Discord https://discord.gg/rvRas4DDqF

New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)





How Much Have You Spent?

Dave Cam does the unthinkable and totaled up how much he has spent on Sim Racing, all time.  


Are the DD1 and DD2 Still Worth It?

Will Ford at Boosted Media ask if Fanatec has lost it when it comes to their DD1 and DD2 direct drive wheel bases


Thrustmaster T818 Review

The Sim Racing Garage reviews the new Thrustmaster T818 Direct Drive Wheel


Have it Your Way

Have it your way with this custom air-cooled sim racing seat and personalize the padding with a design that fits your style.

The Cold Fusion is a unique addition to any sim rig in terms of technology and design. Dare to innovate and order world’s first air-cooled sim racing seat today.


Burnout Simulator

jrracingtv posted a video to their instagram of what appears to be a burnout sim. Smoke billows out from under the rig as the driver drifts around the course.



NASCAR iRacing Series

Friday Open: Dover 

Mike- p13- not many cautions at all and struggled on old tires more than others. I suck

Wednesday Open: Talladega

Mike –  wrecked out on lap seven when the leader just turned it on his own and rec the entire field.

Thursday Open  Ellis – wrecked my self out while leading the race it’s time to eat a slice of humble pie.

Official Series

  • Indy pro F 2000 at circuit Dispa, FreakerSean- start a 12 out of 17 by the end of last one I was up to seven had a great race with lots of pressure from behind P5. 
    • Qualified P2 out of 14. Took the lead in turn one and lead for the first five laps before I spot out on the last corner by myself and fell to fourth I work my way up the second but lost it and fell the third on the last lap. 
    • Qualified P2 out of nine. Got the lead on the first lap and then he took me side-by-side and adored me and I fell back to sixth I did March my way back up to P3.
  • USF 2000 at circuit the spa Francorchamps. Qualify P3 out of 14.  Had a good battle for second and third, but the leader got away from us. I finished P2

League / Hosted Races

Winter League- Atlanta

  • Mike -p6 – Started tail end made it up to about 13th by 1st stop – kept it celan and raced in top ten basically led some laps -gf stops happened was 4th after that but the top 3 had a 7 second breakaway  – no more cautions just rode it home from there
  • David – p16 late move back fired ruined a contending run

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. Aprons of Daytona


On the show this week we’ll be talking everything Daytona 24 from stats, to how Teams Tifosi fared, as well as another controversy that may have tainted the top split, The Coke Series Teams have been releases, we see a first in hardware with a new level of submersion, and Dave Cam tries to get us all in trouble by asking how much we have spent on our Sim racing Hardware. So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast. 

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 

Donnie Spiker – twitter.com/Spikerman19

Bobby Jonas –


Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/

Episode 0366

#1 iRacing Podcast

1/19/2023 – Le Disaster Virtuale – Episode 0366

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..


2023 Coke Series Driver Announcements

This past week a number of teams announced their 2023 driver lineup. Prior to that, Justin Melillo posted behind the scene photos of Nascar Productions prepping for Media Day.


Seen on twitter – Making fun of Malik’s shoes, Collin Bowdin looking straight down to the ground in the group picture, and you probably don’t want to pick a fight with rookie Jordy Lopez Jr, he easily has the widest shoulders and best six pack… Kaden Honeycut not available as he was at chilibowl…


A Virtual Disaster

This years, January running of the Virtual 24 Hours of Le Mans, was simply, a disaster.


From Verstappen,




ROAR Stats

iRacing posted to Twitter, the ROAR participation stats.


From iRacing to Skip Barber

A follow up on iRacing Skip Barber Champion Elvis Rankin. By finishing 2nd and 3rd recently at COTA, Elvis Rankin captured the Skip Barber Championship. Rankin is looking to compete in the British Formula 4 Championship in 2023.


Rogue Employee

Yet another potential blow to Motorsport Games. According to Insider Gaming, an employee is threatening to release source code from 4 different MSG games over not being paid.


Back to Basics

Dave Cam posted a video of “Things you Need to Know” about iRacing.  The video feels like a good back to basics introductions.  



The Sim Racing movie, the SIM RACER has landed on Amazon Prime. For $3.99, you can rent and enjoy the movie in the comfort of your own Sim Rig!


Restart Zone, Not Official?

According to Lounge listener, Cody Richardson, the Restart Zone may have been suspended with any announcement. Via the iRacer’s Lounge Discord, Cody stated, “iRacing turned off restart zones for officials – last update broke something and led to a bunch of false black flags, my guess is it’s related, but there’s not been an official announcement.”


2023 Daytona 24 


Date: January 20-22nd

Timeslot #1 – Friday 22:00 GMT

Timeslot #2 – Saturday 07:00 GMT

Timeslot #3 – Saturday 12:00 GMT

Timeslot #4 – Saturday 16:00 GMT


Warmup: 30 Minutes

Qualifying: Attached & Solo – 8 Minutes for 2 Laps

Race: 24 Hours

Weather: Dynamic

Splits By: iRating

Team Event: Yes (min 2 drivers and max 16)

Stop and Go Limit: 100 incs and every 20 after

DQ Limit: None

Field Size : 50


WW Sprint Car


Podcast Housekeeping

Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to make it easier for more listeners to find the podcast. Mention the podcast to your fellow drivers so they don’t miss out, we would appreciate it.

Check out our Discord https://discord.gg/rvRas4DDqF

New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)






How Old is Your Throttle?

Neils Heusinkveld posted an in depth video on all the SIMS throttle models. He claims iRacing is still using a model, that is over 25 years old.


Amazon H-Pattern


CHICANE, the Sole of Racing

Chicane is a Racing Shoe and Apparel company out of Hayward, CA. According to Chicane, they work with tire manufacture, Micheline, to develop their soles for grip, durability, and longevity.


Hyper Luxe

Gomez Sim Industries announces via twitter, a Hyper P1 with “Luxe” trim option.


The Rig of a World Champion

A photo of F1 World Champion Max Verstappen’s Sim Rig was posted to Overtake.GG. The rig sits in the corner, of what looks like to be a large empty room. Along with the rig, to the right is a Red Bull branded mini fridge stocked with beverages, to the right, is a neon sign that reads, F*^K Off.


A Listener Challenge

Lounge listener, John Dubuque, is challenging host’s David and Brian to get there hands on a AERO VR Headset.

Dubuque stated, “I think the race is on (no pun intended) between @Brian Maccubbin and @David K Hall (there are 15+ David Halls on iRacing but only one David K Hall!) to see who will be the first host of the iRacersLounge podcast to adopt the best-in-class Aero. I suspect both will eventually get there – the first will likely be so pleased w/the Aero that it will become that much harder to resist making that wise investment.


Story Title


A New Dash by Grid

Dave Cam posted a review video of a Grid by Sim Lab Dash Panel.



The Drive Pod

From the people at Studio Casti bring you, The Drive Pod.  


Project Yellowrider


Porche Wheel Worth It?


Huge Screen with Halo!


Cosworth Wheel Pricing


NASCAR iRacing Series

Friday Open: North Wilkesboro

Mike- p. The green stayed out until lap 50 for the first caution got the lucky dog. Stayed out of trouble pretty much around 13th and 15th most of the race pitted for the last time with 50 to go. They just keep wreckin and I kept moving up by the first green white checker. I was P4 by the first green white checker, I was the leader for the second green white checker second place got next to me on the white on the back I tried to cross over I barely touched him and he went around and I won the race. I didn’t want to win it that way and I told him that looking at the replay it was pretty much net code if anything he didn’t complain so I celebrated the win.  My 91st career

Donnie Q10/ P Wrecked

Sunday Fixed 

  • Mike – p  used the beta UI to launch, and it would not try it a few times ended up, rebooting and getting in right before grid. However, my main speakers were not working and there was no time to fix. I can hear the engine sound barely out of the subwoofer, so I’m OK for this race but how frustrating experience it is Top split road around the back ended up bringing out the third caution on my own spitting off down on the inside no damage. Ran about 15 the 10th most of the race with two to go. They had a big wreck and I couldn’t miss it. I got the beat Ball ended up losing a lap P 19. Upfront on the white flag third place pulled the Ross Chastain move and rode the wall and ended up passing two spots to get the win in the final corners.

Wednesday Open: dover

Mike –  p 15. Ran around 10 most of the race got involved in an incident with a lapcars fun had no damage was sitting there parked for a few seconds before somebody plowed in several seconds after the yellow was out I ended up two laps down P 15.

  • Ellis – p 4 ran top 10 most of the race the back half of the top 10 as we ran a long green flag run. At the end we were going to have to do a splash and go. I waited, insure enough somebody spun getting on the pit Road the caution came out, bunched us up and I finished

Official Series


  • Tony Rochette –  Wrecked out early.
  • Mike Ellis – I ran about for the sixth most of the race that 50 for a faster car ran over me coming out of the bath stop and dumped me head on into the wall 44 minutes damage. It’s so frustrating to get run over from behind when you can’t do anything to avoid it, I let the guy know how happy I was.
  • Donnie – GT4 Only Split, P13 out of 48 Cars.

Ellis–  F 2000 at Phoenix qualified eight out of 14. At one point fifth sixth and seventh collected each other on the back stretch then second and third collected each other and then I brought it home from there P3.

  • Indy pro 2000 @Rudskogen. Started fifth and finished P3. Add pressure at the end from fourth but was able to keep my cool he eventually spun off.
  • F 2000 at rodSkogan. Started P2 finished P2. Got the lead on lap one, but foolishly spun on my own, and fell back to fit then drove my way back up to second was catching the leader, but ran out of laps 

League / Hosted Races

Winter League- 

  • Mike -p got wrecked out early when the guy in front of me spun out, hit the wall and came across him, took me out with him
  • Adam – p
  • Steve Thomson – p 
  • Steve LouAllen-p 
  • Greg – p
  • David – P out for jazz practice

MAJORS SERIES  – Predator, 2 Hours of Sebring

  • David – p32, punted in 3rd corner by a gt3 when slowing up for wreck.  9th place DTP, but that didn’t matter
  • Greg wrecked early
  • Donnie P23 out of 48 Cars

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. Le Disaster Virtuale


On tonight’s show we talk more Coke series driver & team announcements, sim racing takes another big hit, and we got some serious rig reviews to go over, Take a load off and join us in the lounge.

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 

Donnie Spiker – twitter.com/Spikerman19

Bobby Jonas –


Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/

Episode 0365

#1 iRacing Podcast

1/12/2023 – Let’s Roar – Episode 0365

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

On the show today, we find out what iRacing may have in store for their next new vehicle, There’s more clues as to the wet stuff, what legendary wheel manufacturer may be in the sim racing market, and Dave Cam goes legend in his own way at Bathurst.

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..


New Car Coming?

iRacing posted a Tweet with a CAD drawing of a posible new entry into the stable of formu;a cars


MSG Financial Woes?

A rumor from a source at Motorsports Games claim that they have not been paying their employees and they may be threatening a lawsuit.


iRacing Days Numbered?

Overtake has an article asking if iRacing’s days may be numbered with the controversy with Motorsport Games along with the LFM adding rFactor 2



We Are Not Worthy

Dave Cam posted a video on his YouTube Channel taking the jump at Bathurst on the last lap, while leading.


Empty Box is BACK!

Popular iRacing youtuber extraordinare, EMPTY BOX (Matt Orr), is back putting up videos of him doing iRacing again after a long hiatus away… He has been away from youtube for a bit over a year but appears to be back for good.


Soon, Sooner and Soonest

Dan Suzuki noticed a setting for wet tyres in the setting.  Could this mean rain is soon to follow?



Season 1 Patch 2 

iRacing released the notes for Season 1 Patch 2


World of Outlaws Week 7

Tim Smith took home his first win of the season and slightly increased his championship points lead


1186Timothy S Smith353211.03878
2412Alex A Bergeron35-0.625111.12575
3624Tanner Pettit35-1.070011.17271
4385Tyler Schell35-1.830011.18369
51033Evan Seay35-2.025011.09464
iRacing World of Outlaws Carquest Sprint Car Series points through seven rounds are as follows:
Timothy Smith, 442
Alex Bergeron, 437
Tyler Schell, 409
James Edens, 376
Kendal Tucker, 369

New Linup for Jim Beaver Sports

Justin Melillo reporst that Jim Beaver Sports will have an all new lineup in 2023 with drivers Malik Ray and Garrett Lowe


Real A.I.

Driverless race cars look a lot like AI drivers in iRacing


The Roar


Daytona 24

Greg West Posts:
We have added the special event BOP to IMSA and IMSA Endurance for the coming week. Please be advised.




Podcast Housekeeping

Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to make it easier for more listeners to find the podcast. Mention the podcast to your fellow drivers so they don’t miss out, we would appreciate it.

Check out our Discord https://discord.gg/rvRas4DDqF

New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)






Dynisma DMG-1

Dynisma is leading the charge with their DMG-1, the world’s most advanced F1 simulator


Moza FSR on any Base

Shaun Cole from The Sim Pit shows you how to use a Moza FSR Wheel on any wheel base


The MagSafe Charger

The MagSafe charger mount is an easy and fast way to mount your iPhone directly to your rig. The mount is equipped with two swivel modes: horizontal and vertical.



Grid MPX Review

Adam Heart on his You Tube Channel says that the new Grid MPX formula wheel is the perfect racing wheel for him.



Best Sim Racing VR

Advanced Sim Racing Tweeted that they have found the Holy Grail of VR, the much lauded Varjo Aero



Rig Review

SimAlphaProject shows off their custom rig


Triple Screen Glory

Dave Cam on his Youtube Channel shows how he sets up his triple screen monitors


Brelyon VR-Like Experience

Tha the Consumer Electronoics Show the Brelyon VR-Like display redefines what VR can be.


Inizio Cockpit

Formula Sim Rig offers their new 80/20 Inizio Cockpit


SlimLine Sim Hardware

SlimLine offers tons of Sim Racing Products.


HF8 Gaming Pad Review

The Simpit reviews the HF8 Haptic Feedback Gaming Pad



Cosworth Formula Wheel

Legendary motorsport engineers Cosworth launch sim racing wheel



NASCAR iRacing Series

Friday Open: North Wilkesboro

  • Mike- p. Got involved in the first caution, and somehow ended up with 8x. Second caution I absolutely got ran over from behind the dump ed. The third portion I spun out on my own, racing to hard for the lucky dog. Stayed out of trouble for a while until the seventh caution. When I was completely run over from behind fighting for the lucky dog I was dumped. Route 95 I finally get to Lucky dog.  Halfway. Bob 133 a big wreck in front of me and I’ve Hialeah. I can’t miss it and I hate the incident limit. I have to do a pass through penalty. Ended up P 13 with 22x

Official Series

  • Ellis- in the pro F2008 Road Atlanta qualify 15 out of 16. Got to 10th by the end of lap one.  Had a great race and got to P6.  
  • F 2000 at Rd., Atlanta qualified fourth of 17. P2!!
  • In the pro 2000 at Rd., Atlanta qualify fourth of nine. P4!
  • Indy pro at Phoenix start at 18th at a 24 finished P9. Gotten one incident where a guy was getting freight trained. I was the third in line when I went by. He tried to pinch me and we banged wheels and he wrecked. He was not happy with me but I stayed out of trouble and brought it home moving forward most of the time I only got passed on track twice. I was usually the one making the passes.  
  • F 2000 at Phoenix was running in the top seven and I was inside a guy who cut down on me in Spun us both out 
  • In the pro at Phoenix was running around 14th out of 18 lot 14. They wreck in front of me. I barely nicked it meatball with 15 minutes damage.
  • F 2000 started tenth and finish third.


League / Hosted Races

  • Hosted – 
    • Ellis-old INDYCAR at old Michigan. Finished P 16 Tony Rochette got P7.
  • Hosted — super cars at Texas. Start at 21st finished seventh.
  • 87th at Talladega started a 37. Rect out 
  • 87 at Talladega – several times cannot seem to finish these now always wrecked out
  • Riley DP’s at Daytona – wrecked out
  • DW 12 at Michigan. 
  • Winter league- homestead 
    • Mike -p  22- caution came out after green flag stops. I was one away from the lucky dog, so I was trapped a lap down. Retard to keep the lucky dog for a while but eventually lost it I suck.
    • David – P 9, the coin flip split decision on a middle caution fell in my favor, + long run speed and ability to control a loose set paid off.  Though almost didn’t run, been sick all week with a non covid non flu virus.  Didn’t feel like getting back up, but did.  Felt fever break again right the middle of the race.
  • OBRL Cup
    • Brian -Indy P20 Touched the wall on both Q laps, started in the rear.  Had a crappy race.  Was involved in a couple of incidents, but really liked the cup car at Indy Oval.

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. Let’s Roar


On the show today, we find out what iRacing may have in store for their next new vehicle, There’s more clues as to the wet stuff, what legendary wheel manufacturer may be in the sim racing market, and Dave Cam goes legend in his own way at Bathurst. So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast. 

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 

Donnie Spiker – twitter.com/Spikerman19

Bobby Jonas –


Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/

Episode 0364

iRacing Podcast

1/5/2023 – Sisirc Noitcerid – Episode 0364

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

Ont today’s show we’ll take a look at the newly released iRacing Nascar Coke Series Schedule. There’s a new player in the Sim Racing market, and may be drawing talent from other platforms. We’ll check out a change in direction poll and see what’s the best wheel and base combo for under $500.

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..


ESL Makes Move Into Sim Racing

Upcoming sim racing platform Rennsport’s partnership with ESL looks set to shake up the racing esports driver market, with several top talents thought to have signed with squads new to the virtual motorsport scene.

Traxion.GG understands that several high-profile drivers have signed to ESL-affiliated teams, either effective at the start of this year, or after the upcoming 24 Hours of Le Mans Virtual. 



Will Sim Racing Become a Major eSport Player?

Luke Crane, via Twitter @Actrollvision proclaims this will the year Sim Racing becomes a bigger part among the eSport landscape.


Tyler’s New Wrap

iRacing’s own, Tyler Hudson showing off his new paint scheme on his Dirt Late Model.


Should We Have Series Specific iRating?

iRacer, Marley Harrison posted a topic in the forums, “Should we have series specific iRating?


Session Adim Chat Commands

iRacing shows in their support pages how to set up Session Admin Chat Commands


Dale Junior Enters the Chat Stutter

iRacing Staff member Dale Jr. posted a topic in the forums asking if there has been a resolution to the stuttering many are finding in the replay playback.


Is the Damage Model Broken?

iRacer, David Beattie, posted in the forums indicting the current Damage Model, since the recent build, has become a complete joke.


Sim Racing Chicago

Sim Racing Chicago is a professional driving simulator studio that features 10 fully built simulators. These simulators are designed to showcase the best of what sim racing has to offer. Our studio is available for any events that you may be organizing.



Sisirc Noitcerid

Kaleb Belak posted his idea in the forums an idea for a ‘Diretion Crisis” week 13 series where tracks would be run in reverse with a poll to go along with it.


Coke Series Shedule

iRacing released the 2023 Coke Series schedule with some unusual venues





Gripwerx Racing

Gripwerx Racing is a company in Washington, east of Seattle where you can rent time in a highly immersie racing simulator.


World of Outlaws Week 6

James Edens joined Hayden Cardwell as the second repeat winner of the 2022-23 iRacing World of Outlaws Carquest Sprint Car Series season on Monday night, leading the most laps in the series’ return to Fairbury Speedway in Illinois from his front row starting spot. Like Cardwell, who went back-to-back at Eldora and Williams Grove, both of Edens’ wins have come in a row, after he took the inaugural checkered flag at the virtual Federated Auto Parts Raceway at I-55 one week ago.

1252James Edens353111.55978
2123Kenny Miller35-0.486111.54175
3586Timothy S Smith35-1.868011.65171
  1. Timothy Smith, 364
  2. Alex Bergeron, 362
  3. Tyler Schell, 340

iRacing Roar Special Event


January Special Event Reminders



Podcast Housekeeping

Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to make it easier for more listeners to find the podcast. Mention the podcast to your fellow drivers so they don’t miss out, we would appreciate it.

Check out our Discord https://discord.gg/rvRas4DDqF

New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)






Best Wheel Combo Under $500

Shaun Cole from the Sim Pit reviews the best sim wheel combo for under $500

In this video Shaun Cole of the Simpit shares his thoughts on the best starter setups for gamers new to sim racing in 2022.

PXN V10 Racing Wheel Kit $299
Logitech G29/G920 $399 on sale $299
Thrustmaster T248 $399
Thrustmaster T300 RS $449 (Limited Stock)
Thrustmaster T300 Ferrari Integral $499


Asetek Ultimate LMP?

Asetek is selling the carbon fiber from their LMP that a creative designer could make an ultimate LMP rig


Load Cell Pedals Explained

The Sim Racer Corner explains the basics that you need to know about load cell pedals…it changes the braking amount based on how much force you are pushing down with rather then the actual movement of the pedal…


The Simcore SD-1XL with the SDC

The Simcore SD-1XL with the SDC-1 button box. Loads of you had feedback on my stories so I said I’d make a post with the model numbers for the parts.



DSD Fobster

Derek Spears Designs will be releasing their new Fobster next week, a wheel attached button box with fob lever.



DD Price Guide

Traxxion posted a Youtube video going over a list of several DD’s and their prices ranging from Entry Level to the High End.

Fanatec – dd1 and 20 – 25nm – 1200 or 1500, dd and ddpro 350 5nm 200 more to get to 8nm, dd pro works on console
Moza – r5 and r 9 – 350 or 439 – r16 and r21 – 1000 and 1200
Asetek – la Prima 840 bundle only 12nm – forte 800 18nm – invicta 1200 27nm
Logitech – bundle – 1000 – 11 nm –
Thrustmaster – 10nm – 650
VRS – – 800 – 20 nm –
Cammus – 15nm – 900
Leo Bodnar – 4585 – 15nm
Simucube – sport pro ultimate – 17nm- 1292 – – pro 25nm 1500 – ultimate 32nm – 3276

First Flexable 45″ Gaming Monitor

Corsair is tsking pre-orders for their Xeneon Flex, the worlds first bendable 21:9 OLED gaming monitor



NVIDIA RTX 50 Series Rumors

NVIDIA’s RTX 50 series might turn out to be the first mainstream MCM-based GPU from the company – if recent reports are to be believed. Not only that but Blackwell architecture could very well bring the largest performance leap in the company’s history. NVIDIA recently confirmed that the Blackwell GPU architecture will be releasing in 2024.


Fanatec Driver and Fanalab Update

Fanatec released a new driver and Fanalabs version that has car specific profiles


Cody Richardson3 — (Listener on our discord)
Oh Fanalab has had the ability to use profiles, with the gentleman making them in the forums, for about 2 years now. They don’t do a very good job telling their customers about it though.

Cody Richardson3 —
Looks like the difference is now it can automatically load the car profile in for you. Saves me a couple of steps for sure.

Grid MPX Preorders

The new Grid MPX formula wheel is now available for preorder


TS Customs Response Pro

The Response PRO is the most compact motion simulator on the market, built without compromises to deliver all the important tactile information present in a race car. Fast and precise motion and vibration feedback in the right time were key features during the development of the Response PRO motion simulator. Driver position is electrically controlled and fully customizable to owners preference, even during the race. Available with virtual reality headset, or the most advanced curved triple screen setup. The simulator is intended for racing teams, simracing drivers and racing enthusiasts, demanding the highest quality and performance. Response PRO is the Hypersimulator in the simulator world.


LG Ultra Geer 48″ Gaming Monitor

LG’s new Ultra Geer 48″ Gaming Monitor may be the best large screen gaming monitor


Sim Rep Engineering P9XX

Sim Rep Engineering is now taking preorders for the P9XX formula wheel



The V-Rig offers a highly adjustable simulator allowing multiple configurations from Road & Rally to GT and Formula.

To save space in your home the S1 features quick release foldaway pedal system and a quick release slide mechanism to move the rear of the rig into the front.


Odessey Neo G9

Samsung revealed the Odyssey G95SC monitor, a 49-inch model that it claims is the world’s first 32:9 aspect ratio OLED gaming monitor. It also reminded us that its 34-inch Odyssey G8 QD-OLED monitor that debuted in the fall during IFA 2022 will be releasing “very soon.



Thrustmaster Flaw?

on a Youtube Video found that the new Trustmaster T818 Direct Drive Wheel may have a flaw, that the mounting hole don’t line up with most rigs without buying a mounting plate.


Is the Nvidia 4070Ti a 3090Ti Kiler

Jazs2cents on his Youtube channel compares benchmarks scores and value between the new Nvidia 4070Ti benchmarks and the 3090Ti.


Buttkicker Settings

Gitgud Racing posted a Youtube video shoring his best settings for the Buttcicker Gamer Pro



NASCAR iRacing Series

Wednesday Open:  Michigan

Mike –  p21- I save fuel like crazy to make it on a one stop strategy. I saved enough to get to lap 51 out of 100 but the leaders also did I don’t know how. I was dead last when I put it under green and I would’ve made it on one stop, but the caution came out shortly after.  Later I got involved in an incident when a guy let off the gas weigh early getting into the corner and I ran over him. Several minutes damage. Otis Road it home. 

Official Series

  • Ellis- F 2000 at Olton park. Qualified P5 out of 14.  Qualified fifth quickly. Got to pee to buy lap one but got ran over from behind in a corner and fell back to fifth work my my way forward to finish P2
    • Qualified six out of 10. Finishes p6
  • Indy pro 2000 at Alton Park qualify fifth finished fourth. 
  • Skip barber at Bathurst qualified six out of 14. Got to pee for by the end of lap one and end up finishing P3.  
  • In the pro at Road Atlanta qualified 12th out of 19. Spun off all my own twice, but save the car and finish p9 
  • F2000 road Atlanta qualified nine out of 16 on the first lap, got into it with a guy who was being super aggressive. He knocked off my front wings. I pity for repairs came back out and finished P 12.
  • In the pro 2000 at Road Atlanta qualified nine out of 15. I spun off on my own and turn to lap one and destroyed the car. I suck.
  • IMSA – The Glen
    • Hall – pwrecked, unavoidable, p wrecked, locked brakes up, p6, p5, p3, p4 with 6 min of optional and 4 seconds of pace.  Rear ended a gt3 that got loose right on the exit.  But the DTP field was extra careless
  • Euro Sprint Series – Monza
    • Hall –  p3, p7,p6, p7, p4 
      • Lemans – p9 in a 3500 SoF, has a 10k driver on track, p8, p8

League / Hosted Races

  • Hosted – 
    • Ellis-87s at Talladega. They had a caution halfway, but it wasn’t enough for a fuel. I lead coming up to the white and ran out of fuel on the back stretch.  
    • Riley Daytona prototypes at Texas. Finished P9.
    • 87 Talladega started 37 out of 40 wrecked out. 
    • Super cars at Michigan started in the back got P3  
    • Pro Mazda at Lenier dirt. 
  • Hosted 24 Daytona race. P4. 
  • Winter league- homestead 
    • Mike -pdnf- got loose and overcorrected and how did the wall really hard knocking off the right front.  Add good tire where the first run but if I wrecked the car doesn’t help much.  
    • Steve Thomson – p 
    • Steve LouAllen-p 
    • David – P13, only one to finish.  Didn’t make any major mistakes or get caught up.  Late caution, don’t know if it helped me or not
  • OBRL Cup

Brian -Kentucky P23 Had to start from the pits and fell a lap down immediately.  Needed an early caution, didn’t get one.  Tried long run strategy but had no help getting lap back finishing P23

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. Sisirc Noitcerid


Ont today’s show we’ll take a look at the newly released iRacing Nascar Coke Series Schedule. There’s a new player in the Sim Racing market, and may be drawing talent from other platforms. We’ll check out a change in direction poll and see what’s the best wheel and base combo for under $500. So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast. 

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 

Donnie Spiker – twitter.com/Spikerman19

Bobby Jonas –


Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/

Episode 0363

#1 iRacing Podcast

12/29/2022 – 12 Steps of Daytona – Episode 0363

iRacers Lounge Podcast – Conversation Topics

Opening Audio Clip -“Your listening to the iRacers Lounge Podcast where we discuss everything iRacing, in a casual setting, enjoy.”`


  • Welcome to the iRacer’s Lounge, I am your host “XXX”. iRacer’s Lounge is a podcast for the iRacer, where we talk all things iRacing in a casual setting.
  • Joining me are the usual characters, ———— 

Show Introduction

On the show today we welcome back former iRacers Lounge co-host Will Gibson who will help us cover the ongoing controversy with the Indy Car Series in iRacing. We’ll check out the winner of the Trading Paints Paint of the Year, and there’s lots of new hardware to catch up on that you won’t want to miss, and we look forward to the new year, and that means the Daytona 24.

And remember you can follow along with us on your PC or mobile device in real time as you listen to the show and see for yourself all of the great topics and products we’ll discuss by visiting iracerslounge.com and selecting show notes. Hope to see you there..


Indy Car iRacing Re-Hash

It’s been a little over a week, and the iRacing community is taking charge.


Do we have any lawyers here in the mix of iracing drivers? This almost sounds like grounds for a class action lawsuit against Indycar by the iracers of the world.


IndyCar’s abandonment of an established entryway comes at an inopportune time, as the series has finally seen a long-needed influx of young new fans in 2022. Forbes reports that the first three televised IndyCar races of the season brought in the series’ highest viewership in 19 years and that its streaming audience had an average age in the 30s. That stands in stark contrast with the majority of IndyCar fans, which Racer reports are much older: 68.3% of IndyCar’s TV audience is 55 or older. A whole 43.6% are 65-plus, which puts the series at risk of losing most of its fanbase over the next few decades.


So I can’t even say I was born and raised in Indy on my iracing profile? That seems a bit far to ban a very standard abbreviation of a city, let alone ban Indy500 (if split apart) and Indycar directly.

So it’s now against the rules for me to say in my profile that I joined Iracing due to being a big Indycar fan from Indy, who’s attended 30 Indy 500s.




Trading Paints Winner

Paul Newton was voted winner of the Trading Paints Paint of the Year with his Nascar Racing Ford Mustang


Steve Myer’s Spreading Holiday Cheer

During the Christmas weekend, iRacing’s Steve Myers was answering people and need and gifting them iRacing content.


Never Sleep and Drive

Fellow iRacer Mark Bolton, posted to the iRacing Community Facebook Group about a recent adventure he had while sleeping and driving. He, most likely joking, attributes his life saving driving skills to iRacing,

5th Annual Podium 500

Podium E-Sports put out a tweet promoting their “Podium 500.” This race is the e-sports broadcasters annual 500 miler at Daytona.


WoO Sprint Car Series

This week, as the series visited Federated Auto Parts Raceway at I-55, Edens bounced back in a big way: he won the first heat over top qualifier Aiden Bierlein, led 13 laps of the race, and grabbed the lead for the last time with just a handful of laps to go to return to the winner’s circle for the first time this season.


1152James Edens351310.67078
2386Timothy S Smith35-0.3811910.68475
3748Dylan Yeager35-0.916010.92971
  1. Alex Bergeron, 327
  2. Tyler Schell, 301
  3. Timothy Smith, 293
  4. Kendal Tucker, 282
  5. JD Brown, 268

RIP Barney?

One of iRacing’s legendary flagmen, Barney, was struck by a skybound Legends car. Barney was in action waving the yellow flag at AMS at the time of the incident. Barney’s condition is unknown at this point.


Tony Kanaan Muscling Around the Track

Tony Kanaan posted a video on Istagram of him straining his way around the track with his foerce feedback setting cranked up


Highlights of the Week – 12.28.22

iRAcing posted the video of their top 5 highlghts of the week


People Still Don’t Know Better!

Benjamin White posted a twitter video of a driver in his race sessiom dropping an inappropriate slur that will certainly result in a long suspension, if not worse

Majors Series

A new year in the Majors is just around the corner, in fact registrations for the first round are now open



Special Event iRacing Roar


Special Event Daytona 24



Podcast Housekeeping

Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to make it easier for more listeners to find the podcast. Mention the podcast to your fellow drivers so they don’t miss out, we would appreciate it.

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New Website – Leave Comments https://www.iracerslounge.com/

We are in the regular rotation… (Mike)






DBox Motion without the DBox

Dbox in conjunction with R Seat has created a motion rig without the look of a full motion rig



Fanatec F1 Cockpit

Gamer Muscle checks out Fanatec’s new F1 simulator at the Sim Racing Expo



Sim Switch 

Gamer Muscle got to try out the Sim Switch sim rig with a fully adjustable, motorized pedal setup



Qubic System QS-V20

The Qubic System QS-V20 4DOF Motion Racing Simulator




Official Series

  • Ellis- Indy pro 2000 at Rd., Atlanta qualified fourth out of 14. Wreck out turn one lap while I suck. 
    • Qualified seventh out of 18. Lap one turn to. I spun off on my own, fell back to 17, but was able to recover up to finish 10.
  • F 2000 at Rd., Atlanta. Car number six out of 14.Q p6. Got p2. Led some laps. 
  • F 2000 at oulton park. Went off in the garage and add an unfortunate, rejoin and collected three other cars.  
    • Qualified sixth out of 15. The leader spins it in lap one turn one second place slows down dramatically, and I drive over the top of him. I need to pay for a black flag came back out and drove up to seventh. 
  • In the pro 2000 at Alton park. Qualified ninth out of 18. Finished P8.
  • I qualified nine out of 15. On lap to the two cars in front of me collide and turn sideways on the track and I T-bone my way in car is destroyed.  
  • Skip barber at Bathurst qualified P3 out of 18. Got clear of the packet and was running p2. We had a huge gap on everybody else. I ended up spending and damaging my front wing, which slowed me down several seconds allowed. However, with the gap I was able to finish p4
  • IMSA – The Glen
    • Hall – p3, p3, p4, p wrecked in chaos, p self spun fighting for win, P1, First in BMW, leader ran out of gas!, p9, VR crashed forgot to close Civ 6
    • Ellis – p9. Lock the brakes in turn one lap one five minutes damage finish the rest anyway.  
      • Had a pretty good beginning of the race and had clipped the grass. Just a hair has slowed down because of it and got ran over from behind 15 minutes damage DNF.
  • Euro Sprint Series – Spa
    • Hall –  P3, p2, p5, P1, P1 (This one stolen on last lap), p7

Monza – p7, p5, p6

League / Hosted Races

  • Hosted – 
    • Daytona prototypes at Texas. Wrecked out.
    • 87 at Talladega wrecked out
    • Radicals at Virginia, P 10
    • Old INDYCAR at Michigan P5
  • Winter league- 
    • Mike -p ended up, hitting under Grean and sure enough the caution came out while all pit Road, this is two weeks in a row. This is happened to me. I had to take the wave around.  Ended up p16
    • Steve Thomson – p 8th
    • David – P wrecked.  A driver is off the pace on the wall.  As soon as I turn low to go by, he pulls across the track in front of me trying to get out of the .  I over correct avoiding him.
  • OBRL Cup

Brian – Talladega P6  Didn’t qualify, but should have.  Started near the back and lost the lead draft pretty quickly.  The race stayed Green until the last couple of laps, so I was able to regroup with the main field and was able to grab a few laps on the GWC finish.

Final Thoughts

Words Spoken in Closing Audio Clip -“”Thank you for listening to the iRacers Lounge podcast make sure to go subscribe to us on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play, Facebook & Twitter, See You On The Track .” 


  1. 12 Steps of Daytona


On the show today we welcome back former iRacers Lounge co-host Will Gibson who will help us cover the ongoing controversy with the Indy Car Series in iRacing. We’ll check out the winner of the Trading Paints Paint of the Year, and there’s lots of new hardware to catch up on that you won’t want to miss, and we look forward to the new year, and that means the Daytona 24. So sit back, relax and join us on the iRacers Lounge Podcast. 

iRacers Lounge Podcast is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Podbean, Spreaker, Podbay, PodFanatic, Overcast, Amazon, and other podcast players. 



Mike Ellis – twitter.com/MikeDeanEllis

David Hall – www.twitch.tv/mixmage

Greg Hecktus – twitter.com/froozenkaktus – www.twitch.tv/froozenkaktus

Brian Maccubbin – www.twitch.tv/MacRubbinsRacin

Kyle Pendygraft – twitter.com/LoudPedalGaming

Tony Groves – www.twitch.tv/SirGroves

Adam Josselyn- twitter.com/Jossad83

Tony Rochette – twitter.com/TonyRochette

Tom Dreiling – 

Donnie Spiker – twitter.com/Spikerman19

Bobby Jonas –


Facebook – www.facebook.com/iRacersLounge/

Twitter – twitter.com/iracerslounge

Instagram – instagram.com/iracersloungepodcast/ 

Web (Show Notes) – iracerslounge.com/